elastic / ecs-logging-java

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Support structured logging with Logback #49

Open andreaturli opened 4 years ago

andreaturli commented 4 years ago

As logback user, I'd like to have the ability to create structured logs as https://github.com/elastic/ecs-logging-java/tree/master/log4j2-ecs-layout#structured-logging

Currently the community relies on "net.logstash.logback.encoder.LogstashEncoder" to generate structured log statements which leverages Markers. Although not ideal, as Markers are intended for filtering: http://logback.qos.ch/manual/filters.html, I think it would be useful if the EcsEncoder could support this scenario without requiring an additional dependency library

bplies-ATX commented 3 years ago

I would just like to add some context to illustrate why this issue is important.

ecs-logging-java for Logback

Logback is the default logging implementation for the popular Spring Boot framework. ecs-logging-java for Logback does not appear to have much support for structured logging of arbitrary fields. Indeed the entire encoder has very limited configurability.

Log statements such as

  log.debug("List of files: {}.", localFiles.toString());
  log.info("Checking {} prefixes in S3.", prefixesToCheck.size());

Simply result in a formatted message property which is illustrated below. This extra information must be parsed out from message to be of any use which resists the purpose of using a JSON-formatted log event to begin with.

  "message": "List of files: [file1.txt]"

  "message": "Checking 5 prefixes in S3."

If you look at how this encoder serializes the JSON, you will see that the JSON structure is pretty rigid. The only variable aspect is via additionalFields which you have to statically pre-configure


It is possible to try to leverage some of the underlying SLF4j components for LoggingEventBuilder (javadoc)


  int newT = 15;
  int oldT = 16;

  // using classical API
  logger.debug("oldT={} newT={} Temperature changed.", newT, oldT);

  // using fluent API
          .addKeyValue("oldT", oldT)
          .addKeyValue("newT", newT)
          .log("Temperature changed."); 

But it is believed that this similarly just modifies the message property


With logback-logstash-encoder one could write structured log statements like this

log.debug("List of files: {}.", kv("namespace.file_list", localFiles);
log.info("Checking {} prefixes in S3.", kv("namespace.s3_prefixes_to_check", prefixesToCheck.size()));

Which results in JSON like this

  "message": "List of files: namespace.file_list=file1.txt",
  "namespace.file_list": ["file1.txt"]

 "message": "Checking namespace.s3_prefixes_to_check=5 prefixes in S3.",
 "namespace.s3_prefixes_to_check": 5

So now we can easily monitor these logged fields such as namespace.s3_prefixes_to_check and search/filter for it, aggregate it, visualize it, alert on it, run anomaly detection for it, and so on.

ecs-logging-java with Log4j

ecs-logging-java for Log4j2 on the other hand does appear to have something similar described here

By leveraging log4j2's MapMessage or even by implementing your own MultiformatMessage with JSON support, you can add additional fields to the resulting JSON

So it should be possible to do something like

logger.info(ParameterizedStructuredMessage.of("hello {}", "world").with("foo", "bar"));

But it it clearly is not as convenient and no one will want to switch to Log4j just for this.


NOTE: When using structured logging for arbitrary JSON fields, be mindful of Mapping Explosion

felixbarny commented 3 years ago

I'd be happy to support LoggingEventBuilder once slf4j 2.x is released but so far, there has only been an alpha release around 1.5 years ago.

In version 1.x, Logback just doesn't provide good out of the box support for structured logging and I'm a bit hesitant to re-implement the workaround logback-logstash-encoder created. But maybe we could add support for their kv markers. It would mean you need a dependency on both logback-logstash-encoder and ecs-logging-java, though.

gavenkoa commented 2 years ago

But it is believed that this similarly just modifies the message property

http://www.slf4j.org/api/org/slf4j/event/LoggingEvent.html has a method: List<KeyValuePair> getKeyValuePairs(). So any implementing library will have info about structured items.

master of Logback already has it: https://github.com/qos-ch/logback/commit/910bf99ddf9bf32a34a330fbfa07d6492aa74f6d It is in 1.3.0-alpha7.

mhalbritter commented 9 months ago

Hello! Just wanted to ask if this topic is on any roadmap. Logback supports this since 1.3.0, released in August 28, 2022. This project compiles against Logback 1.2.8. Could this be updated to 1.3.0 and support for ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ILoggingEvent#getKeyValuePairs added?

My current workaround is this custom subclass:

public class KeyValuePairEcsEncoder extends EcsEncoder {
    protected void addCustomFields(ILoggingEvent event, StringBuilder builder) {
        List<KeyValuePair> keyValuePairs = event.getKeyValuePairs();
        if (keyValuePairs == null || keyValuePairs.isEmpty()) {
        for (KeyValuePair keyValuePair : keyValuePairs) {
            JsonUtils.quoteAsString(keyValuePair.key, builder);
            JsonUtils.quoteAsString(toNullSafeString(String.valueOf(keyValuePair.value)), builder);
pickypg commented 5 months ago

Relatedly, unlike the classic API for logs where the Throwable is passed as the last argument, using the Structured Format for logging hides the error from APM. This is a bit more annoying than the Key/Value issue as the Throwable is altered by the API, so you have to discover it from the implemented ThrowableProxy type, which is naturally undesirable.

log.atError().setCause(new RuntimeException("Test 1")).log("failed ...");

Has no error reported in the APM UI.

log.error("failed ...", new RuntimeException("Test 2"));

This error will be reported in the APM UI.

I was able to workaround this by adding to the addCustomFields converter above to capture the Throwable as it encodes it:

// instanceof example requires Java 21:
if (event.getThrowableProxy() instanceof ThrowableProxy throwableProxy) {
    var span = ElasticApm.currentSpan();

    if (span.isSampled()) {
    } else {
FrozenSync commented 4 days ago

I'd like to see support for structured logging as well. One of the requirements in the project I'm working on is to mask sensitive PII. This forces to me go back to logback-logstash-encoder for its masking feature and manage ECS-standardization of fields myself. This workaround is not ideal in terms of maintainability.