elastic / elastic-agent

Elastic Agent - single, unified way to add monitoring for logs, metrics, and other types of data to a host.
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Elastic-Agent: Do not output to STDERR under powershell, unless you want PS to fail execution as an error #118

Open ThorbenJ opened 3 years ago

ThorbenJ commented 3 years ago


In certain execution contexts PowerShell will convert any line of text sent to STDERR into an Error object. This will no doubt go unhandled thus the commend is failed by powershell:

 PS C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\EC_Spout> C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\EC_Spout\agent_install+enroll.ps1
Uninstalling existing
Elastic Agent has been uninstalled.
The Elastic Agent is currently in BETA and should not be used in production

elastic-agent.exe : 2020-11-24T07:32:24.902-0800    DEBUG   kibana/client.go:170    Request method: POST, path: 
At C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\EC_Spout\agent_install+enroll.ps1:91 char:1
+ & "$download_dir\elastic-agent-$stack_ver-windows-x86_64\elastic-agen ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (2020-11-24T07:3...t/agents/enroll:String) [], RemoteException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError 

Google "PS NativeCommandError" to discover all the happy people that trip over this error.

Solution: On Windows systems (especially under powershell) do not send anything to STDERR unless its really is an error, and the command should be terminated/failed.

Ways to reproduce: In an Interactive PS, this error handling will most likely not be enabled. Under ISE is most often is.

Open PowerShell ISE and write a ps1 script:

 & "$download_dir\elastic-agent-7.10.0-windows-x86_64\elastic-agent.exe" install -f -k "$kn_url" -t "$agent_token" 

Run the script with the 'play' button in the toolbar (after saving it).

Doing it via ISE like this was the easiest way, I think, to have PS in such an error handling mode. I have experienced the same problem with PS scripts start by the task scheduler.

Extra info: I maintain scripts to automate starting a demo env.: https://github.com/ElasticSA/ec_spout (more info for Elastic employees here: https://wiki.elastic.co/display/PRES/EC+Spout )

elasticmachine commented 3 years ago

Pinging @elastic/ingest-management (Team:Ingest Management)

ph commented 3 years ago

@michalpristas or @blakerouse you know more windows than me. Can you take a look?

ThorbenJ commented 3 years ago

Please note if you don't have $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" (PS equiv of Bash's set -e), then PS will treat the STDERR output as an error and display it, but it wont immediately kill elastic-agent.exe. Tested under PowerShell ISE. Why not under PowerShell interactive? I am no PS expert, but reading up on this it seems, ISE, PS Remote, and I assume task scheduled instances wrap STDERR with System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord.

elasticmachine commented 2 years ago

Pinging @elastic/elastic-agent-control-plane (Team:Elastic-Agent-Control-Plane)

michalpristas commented 2 years ago

closing, even with the options set i was not able to repro Win 11 64bit

ThorbenJ commented 2 years ago


As I document you will not trip this issue in a normal powershell console. This error handling is only on by default in PS Remote, PS ISE and certain ways of scheduling PS scripts. Search for System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord - If this error handling is enabled any line sent to STDERR becomes an ErrorRecord that needs to be handled. If not you get the NativeCommandError, and with $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" the exe is stopped/killed.


Major  Minor  Build  Revision
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10     0      19042  0       
jlind23 commented 2 years ago

@michalpristas could you please take a look again.