elastic / elastic-agent

Elastic Agent - single, unified way to add monitoring for logs, metrics, and other types of data to a host.
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elastic-agent's internal APM agent makes requests to http://localhost:8200 on startup #1957

Open trentm opened 1 year ago

trentm commented 1 year ago

The elastic-agent has an internal APM agent (Tracer) that is setup here: https://github.com/elastic/elastic-agent/blob/v8.5.3/internal/pkg/agent/cmd/run.go#L467-L526

On startup that initTracer function attempts to disable the Go APM agent's DefaultTracer and then optionally setup a Tracer, depending on MonitoringConfig. However, the apm.DefaultTracer.Close() is not sufficient to guarantee that the default tracer doesn't startup with a default configuration and make some initial requests to http://localhost:8200 -- the default APM server URL. Some initial requests that were observed (the first on my development macOS laptop, the latter was observed by @AndersonQ):

    GET /config/v1/agents?service.name=elastic-agent HTTP/1.1
    host: localhost:8200
    user-agent: elasticapm-go/1.15.0 go/go1.18.7
    accept-encoding: gzip
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2022 16:41:26 GMT
    Connection: keep-alive
    Keep-Alive: timeout=5
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked


    POST /intake/v2/events HTTP/1.1
    host: localhost:8200
    user-agent: elasticapm-go/1.15.0 go/go1.18.7
    transfer-encoding: chunked
    content-encoding: deflate
    content-type: application/x-ndjson
    accept-encoding: gzip

        "metadata": {
            "system": {
                "architecture": "amd64",
                "hostname": "fleet-server-dev",
                "platform": "linux"

I spoke with some of the Go APM agent devs and there opinion was that elastic-agent should be updated to Go APM agent v2, which supports a way to not have a default tracer get created at all. This will avoid any APM agent startup unless explicitly created (as is done later in the initTracer function).

For confirmed bugs, please report:

Here is a mock APM server that you can use locally for this, if that helps:

trentm commented 1 year ago

Note that three beats that elastic-agent spawns also had a similar issue: filebeat, osquerybeat, and metricbeat. I have not opened issues for those.

AndersonQ commented 1 year ago

just for the record, according to the APM Go agent team:

The V2 version of the Go agent won't create a default tracer, and instead has a DefaultTracer() function which creates a global tracer but only when called.

Thus we should update to v2 and do NOT call DefaultTracer() at all. We need to do it for:

AndersonQ commented 1 year ago

@cmacknz @pierrehilbert shall we prioritise this issue? It seems pretty straight forward to fix.

cmacknz commented 1 year ago

If fixing this will only take a few minutes just go ahead and fix it. Otherwise there don't seem to be any obvious negative consequences to this other than that it isn't the intended behaviour so it shouldn't take time away from work we've already prioritized.

AndersonQ commented 1 year ago

It should be quick