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[Integration Testing Framework] Switch to using Terraform as provisioner #4879

Open ycombinator opened 2 weeks ago

ycombinator commented 2 weeks ago

Based on the success of @pchila's POC, we've decided to switch to using Terraform as the provisioner for VMs and ESS deployments used by the integration testing framework.

Definition of done

elasticmachine commented 2 weeks ago

Pinging @elastic/elastic-agent-control-plane (Team:Elastic-Agent-Control-Plane)

rdner commented 2 weeks ago

I suppose the most challenging part will be converting our instance definitions to Terraform ones and feeding them to the tool like we do for OGC https://github.com/elastic/elastic-agent/blob/c45842a9d36b92e428f39857aea3334c6a99a082/pkg/testing/ogc/provisioner.go#L287-L319