elastic / elastic-agent

Elastic Agent - single, unified way to add monitoring for logs, metrics, and other types of data to a host.
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Handle new action for switching Agent from privileged to unprivileged mode #4973

Open ycombinator opened 3 weeks ago

ycombinator commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the enhancement:

Elastic Agents have the ability to run in either privileged mode, i.e. with a privileged user like root on Linux systems, or unprivileged mode, i.e. with an unprivileged user.

Moreover, Agents running in privileged mode have the ability to switch themselves to unprivileged mode. This ability is being exposed via the Agent CLI. We now wish to expose this same ability using the Fleet UI.

⚠️ Important note: Fleet UI users should only be switch Agents from privileged to unprivileged mode, not the other way around.

For this, Agent will need to handle a new action from Fleet.

Describe a specific use case for the feature:

Security: Allowing users to reduce the privileges required to run Elastic Agent.

What is the definition of done?

elasticmachine commented 3 weeks ago

Pinging @elastic/elastic-agent-control-plane (Team:Elastic-Agent-Control-Plane)

ycombinator commented 3 weeks ago

I think it would be useful to do a bit of technical definition for this feature, covering not just the responsibilities of Agent but also the associated responsibilities of Fleet UI and Fleet Server so we have a holistic design in place before starting to implement this feature.

pierrehilbert commented 3 weeks ago

⚠️ Important note: Fleet UI users should only be switch Agents from privileged to unprivileged mode, not the other way around.

Switching the other way will technically be impossible but I agree we should make it clear from the UI when we will add this feature there.

blakerouse commented 3 weeks ago

To add some details on the technical implementation for this work. The flow of this should work as the following:

  1. Upon receiving the action to switch to unprivileged mode the Elastic Agent should store that action into the state store, but NOT ACK it.
  2. Then it should perform the elastic-agent unprivileged as a sub-process, ensuring to create the process in a way where when the daemon process is stopped that it will not stop or kill the spawned elastic-agent unprivileged process.
  3. elastic-agent unprivileged should then perform the work (understand here there is a chance that if something goes wrong the process is not coming back without manual intervention) this needs to be made clear in the UI
  4. Elastic Agent should then restart, read the state store, determine that it has a unprivileged mode action and ACK the action if it is now unprivileged.
ycombinator commented 3 weeks ago

@blakerouse WDYT about replacing the ack'ing mechanism with reporting as part of the check-in payload whether the Agent is running as privileged or not, perhaps as part of the local_metadata field? I'm suggesting this because we've found ack'ing to be unreliable in the past when it came to upgrades and when we implemented upgrade details, we decided to communicate them through the check-in payload and it seems to be working well.

blakerouse commented 3 weeks ago

@ycombinator Actually that would be better.

j-koehler commented 1 week ago

As a random user I just found this issue and I highly appreciate it!

Describe a specific use case for the feature:

Security: Allowing users to reduce the privileges required to run Elastic Agent.

Enforcing the agent to run as "root" (compared to the Beats) was a major concern for some of my supervisors and the reason why we are still stuck with the Beats. Thank you for working on this! Is there any estimation when this might be relased?

pierrehilbert commented 1 week ago

Hey @j-koehler Thanks for reaching out. To be clear: we already implemented the CLI work to switch from Privileged to Unprivileged, this issue is about making it possible from Fleet UI instead of using the CLI command. Unfortunately I can't communicate a deadline for now as we didn't plan this issue yet.

j-koehler commented 1 week ago

Oh hi @pierrehilbert - appreciate the response and the heads up on the focus of this issue.

To be clear: we already implemented the CLI work to switch from Privileged to Unprivileged

This isn't rolled out yet, is it? I tried with Elastic Agent 8.14.2 and I did not find any flags on the install command and the Agent is not installing when not executed as root. So I assume this is a bigger feature rolled out in an upcoming version.

pierrehilbert commented 1 week ago

Yes indeed, this will be available in 8.15. Here the PR https://github.com/elastic/elastic-agent/pull/4621 if you are interested by having more details about it.