It's simpler to verify that the approach based on setting environment variables and mounted volume indeed works in k8s setup using our Elastic APM k8s Attacher instead of OpenTelemtry K8x operator because Elastic APM k8s Attacher is much easier to setup and make temporary changes just for this POC.
Implementation progress
Verify that approach based on setting environment variables and mounted volume indeed works
Use the approach described at based on
environment variable to inject EDOT for PHPTest it on applications
Verify the POC on Elastic APM Attacher
It's simpler to verify that the approach based on setting environment variables and mounted volume indeed works in k8s setup using our Elastic APM k8s Attacher instead of OpenTelemtry K8x operator because Elastic APM k8s Attacher is much easier to setup and make temporary changes just for this POC.
By following instructions at
environment variable to Elastic APM K8s AttacherIn progress
Extended implementation to OpenTelemetry Operator for Kubernetes
Follow steps at I am currently at the step "Using a private container registry" to deploy container with EDOT PHP files that updated OTel k8s operator can pull and inject into application container.
Extended implementation to vanilla OTel PHP distribution using
similar toWordPress instrumentation's approach
Contribute implementation upstream
Opened PR at
Publish docker image with EDOT that can be used with OTel K8s operator
Update Elastic docs
On how to monitor PHP applications using OpenTelemetry Operator for Kubernetes + PHP
Update instructions shipped with Kibana
On how to monitor PHP applications using OpenTelemetry Operator for Kubernetes + PHP