elastic / elasticsearch-cloud-aws

AWS Cloud Plugin for Elasticsearch
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Client side encryption #118

Closed NicolasTr closed 8 years ago

NicolasTr commented 10 years ago

Here's some code to encrypt client-side the snapshots stored in S3 .

It uses the envelope encryption of the AWS ADK for Java (AES 256 in CBC mode). You case use keys of 128, 192 or 256 bits but you _have to_ install the JCE because the envelope encryption _will_ use 256bits keys.

The key can be specified when configuring the repository.

Example with a 128 bits AES symmetric key:

$ curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/my_s3_repository' -d '{
    "type": "s3",
    "settings": {
        "bucket": "my_bucket_name",
        "region": "us-west",
        "client_side_encryption_key": {
            "symmetric": "Hk/RABbqRnhgSAMXiVUV0w=="

Example with a 512 bits RSA key pair:

$ curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/my_s3_repository' -d '{
    "type": "s3",
    "settings": {
        "bucket": "my_bucket_name",
        "region": "us-west",
        "client_side_encryption_key": {
            "public": "MFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBALb4IRgaDtmwsz+kC/bkKLno5bRWMDbRDztcM/N/VJIg+HQKA8ees6uznEOGe6cOZp+QHYrpTIXs36QB9vfsVdUCAwEAAQ==",
            "private": "MIIBUwIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAT0wggE5AgEAAkEAtvghGBoO2bCzP6QL9uQouejltFYwNtEPO1wz839UkiD4dAoDx56zq7OcQ4Z7pw5mn5AdiulMhezfpAH29+xV1QIDAQABAkBEy/OVnmarD7e2XDZrdMqjbKDCOA4U7nKtvTODgQMJll0b7wA52bY/kG8gA8Q2aqiKVHDRl/EQ33bELr2A56NBAiEA4+7qC/TMw2V2q+FuW5Az8mzfCH6mNmyMLc/XwuZ2/V0CIQDNf9NRbZ0EZQCiq6iBjgYzkdJlv1tDt9erqVj0w0K62QIgZDE5IFhTSfDn4VYOtKEGtKG2yH0jgvjkBZ8/MKUt2OECIFSzDuJND560EqL5paZgZ2XyAIo3aOJsb9QtJKEdqe9hAiBgithEZGGQNV/pXweOtku/CezLvY2FJaSPShfeQfXjcg==",

I added a test case to make sure that the files are encrypted and I modified testSimpleWorkflow() to make sure that by default the files are not encrypted.

I haven't updated the documentation yet, I would like to get some reviews first.

NicolasTr commented 9 years ago

When I'll have time, I'll re-implement it using the Client-Side Data Encryption of the AWS SDK.

saahn commented 9 years ago

Is there any chance for this feature to be merged soon? We would really like to enable client side encryption. :)

NicolasTr commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your interest. I normally should be resuming my work on this next week.

Like I said above, I'll use the client-side encryption offered by the AWS SDK for Java. There will be less code to maintain in this repository and it will be possible to easily rotate the keys.

Client-Side Data Encryption of the AWS SDK

How the Encryption Works

All encryption/decryption happens _exclusively in your application_ using a process called "envelope encryption." Your private encryption keys and your unencrypted data are never sent to AWS, so it's very important that you safely manage your encryption keys. If you lose your encryption keys, you won't be able to unencrypt your data, and you can't recover your encryption keys from AWS, since AWS doesn't know anything about them.

The goal of envelope encryption is to combine the performance of fast symmetric encryption while maintaining the secure key management that asymmetric keys provide. A one-time-use symmetric key (the envelope symmetric key) is generated by the Amazon S3 encryption client to encrypt your data, then that key is encrypted by your master key and stored alongside your data in Amazon S3. When accessing your data with the Amazon S3 encryption client, the encrypted symmetric key is retrieved and decrypted with your real key, then the data is decrypted. Another benefit of envelope encryption is that if your master key is compromised, you have the option of just re-encrypting the stored envelope symmetric keys, instead of re-encrypting all the data in your account.


  • Generate a one time use envelope symmetric key.
  • Encrypt the file data using this envelope key.
  • Encrypt that envelope key using a master public key or symmetric key.
  • Store this encrypted envelope key with the encrypted file.
  • Store a description of the master key alongside the envelope key to uniquely identify the key used to encrypt the envelope key.


  • Retrieve the encrypted envelope key you stored with the encrypted file.
  • Retrieve the description of the original master key.
  • If the description of the master key on hand does not match the description of the original master key, use the unique description to fetch the original master symmetric key or private key.
  • Decrypt the envelope key using the master key.
  • Decrypt the file data using the envelope key.
saahn commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the update. Looking forward to this feature!

NicolasTr commented 9 years ago

The encryption is now done by the AWS SDK for Java.

Public/private keys are not supported at the moment (only symmetric keys).

saahn commented 9 years ago

Great, thanks for the speedy work! Do you know when this will be ready to consume? We'd love to collaborate with you on testing this, if that would be helpful :)

NicolasTr commented 9 years ago

I switched to base 64 encoding of the key as it will be more compact.

@saahn If you want to test, use the following zip archive (obsolete link, see below) to install the plugin. It's the version 2.3.0 of this plugin + the client-side encryption. If you need another version please let me know.

NicolasTr commented 9 years ago

You can test with this archive.

I think the pull request can be merged. I just need my employer to sign the CLA so I can sign it too. This should be done soon.

NicolasTr commented 9 years ago

CLA signed.

dadoonet commented 9 years ago

I did a first review pass but I'd love that @imotov looks at it as well.

dadoonet commented 9 years ago

Left a small comment. The change looks good to me though I did not test it. @imotov WDYT?

NicolasTr commented 9 years ago

I tested the commits on top of the v2.3.0 tag. Only on org.elasticsearch.repositories.s3.

dadoonet commented 9 years ago

@NicolasTr Could you please rebase your changes on master and squash all your commits? Recent patch added by @tlrx fixes compilation issues with elasticsearch 1.4 and above.

If you can't do it quickly, could you give an estimate for this? So we can decide in which version we can support this feature.


NicolasTr commented 9 years ago


I saw that @tlrx added the support of multipart uploads in 4bc4ea6. It should work with client-side encryption (see the client-side encryption feature matrix). However:

tlrx commented 9 years ago

@NicolasTr Thanks for this PR and yes, parts are uploaded in order. However when need to test this.

Again - and sorry - can you rebase your PR please?

NicolasTr commented 9 years ago

@tlrx Thanks for your response. I fixed the conflicts.

NicolasTr commented 9 years ago

I just rebased against master again.

dadoonet commented 9 years ago

@NicolasTr Did you sign the CLA?

NicolasTr commented 9 years ago

Yes, I did :)

jondb commented 9 years ago

@NicolasTr, @dadoonet -- very excited to see this. any idea when it will be merged?

briw commented 9 years ago

@NicolasTr , @dadoonet , also very excited to see this and would very much like to see it merged...

NicolasTr commented 9 years ago

@dadoonet I rebased on top of master. I haven't rerun the tests. What's the issue with the CLA?

dadoonet commented 9 years ago

Probably something went wrong on our side. Don't worry, I'll do a manual check.

dpbus commented 9 years ago

Any update on this? Really excited to start taking encrypted snapshots to S3.

jyjohnson commented 9 years ago

+1 on using this. Any eta?


dadoonet commented 9 years ago

Hi @NicolasTr

I'm super sorry that your PR never got merged in. I'm not sure how it went out of our radar.

Well, you might know that we moved this project to elasticsearch repo.

Do you think it could be possible for you to create a new PR in elasticsearch repo? We will make sure it gets attention it deserves.

Again, sorry for this loooooong delay!


dadoonet commented 8 years ago

@NicolasTr Do you think you could come up with a new PR on elasticsearch repository?

NicolasTr commented 8 years ago

@dadoonet I'm sorry I missed your previous comment. Yes, I'll do it. Let's move the discussion to the elasticsearch repo.