elastic / elasticsearch-cloud-aws

AWS Cloud Plugin for Elasticsearch
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Can't create discovery cluster on region us-east2 #280

Closed sanvir10 closed 7 years ago

sanvir10 commented 7 years ago

In Amazon recently we can create instances on region us-east2, but when a set it in the config i get this error:

captura de pantalla de 2016-11-29 17-03-52

This region will be supported?,


dadoonet commented 7 years ago

Yes us-east2 is not supported for this version of the plugin. See https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-cloud-aws/tree/v2.7.1/#region

You can manually define cloud.aws.ec2.endpoint though to something like ec2.us-east-2.amazonaws.com. That should work I believe. See https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-cloud-aws/tree/v2.7.1/#using-other-ec2-endpoint

I opened https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/21881 to add it in recent versions of elasticsearch. As it's not a blocker, it will probably be implemented from 5.2.0 I believe.

Closing but let me know if the workaround does not work for you.

sanvir10 commented 7 years ago

I added this : cloud.aws.ec2.endpoint: ec2.us-east-2.amazonaws.com

the config look like this;

cloud.aws.access_key: [KEY] cloud.aws.secret_key: [SECRET] cluster.name: mycluster node.name: elastic1

discovery.type: "ec2" discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false discovery.ec2.groups: "securityTest" discovery.ec2.host_type: "private_ip" discovery.ec2.ping_timeout: "30s" discovery.ec2.tag.cluster: "cluster" cloud.aws.ec2.endpoint: "ec2.us-east-2.amazonaws.com"

but this don't work,


dadoonet commented 7 years ago

Can you paste the full log please?

sanvir10 commented 7 years ago

Sorry this is working now, was a mistake in the config with the group-security name.

Thanks so much

dadoonet commented 7 years ago
