elastic / elasticsearch-cloud-aws

AWS Cloud Plugin for Elasticsearch
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[s3_repository] path is not accessible on master node #292

Closed arispeng closed 6 years ago

arispeng commented 6 years ago

My elasticsearch 2.4.6 cluster (hosted on amazon east data center) is having issues with the aws-cloud 2.4.6 plugin, I have configured my elasticsearch.yml file as instructed by configuration . cloud: aws: access_key: XXX secret_key: XXX The S3 bucket is set up to have s3Full access. I did a testing before my elasticsearch cluster upgrade, which was 1.7.6 version using aws-cloud plugin from this documentation -https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-cloud-aws. The snapshot and restore process was working perfectly fine until recently I upgraded my ES version to 2.4.6.

Here's the curl script I usually use to create s3_repository. PS, I can manually upload files to the s3 bucket using aws cli.
{ ~ } » curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:10557/_snapshot/s3_repository?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' ~ \ { \ "type": "s3", \ "settings": { \ "bucket": "my-bucket", \ "region": "us-east", \ "access_key": "XXX", \ "secret_key": "XXX" \ } \ } \ ' { "error" : { "root_cause" : [ { "type" : "amazon_s3_exception", "reason" : "amazon_s3_exception: Access Denied (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID: 3906E3E1E996060C)" } ], "type" : "repository_verification_exception", "reason" : "[s3_repository] path is not accessible on master node", "caused_by" : { "type" : "i_o_exception", "reason" : "i_o_exception: com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.AmazonS3Exception: Access Denied (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID: 3906E3E1E996060C), S3 Extended Request ID: Q/OWbf2aljoROoeLB48dfZ8YqBKzKw5JaQvpxrHwXXd4WT4qUp5nlHs8fCWKV19dIrCPXtW6Clo=", "caused_by" : { "type" : "amazon_s3_exception", "reason" : "amazon_s3_exception: Access Denied (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID: 3906E3E1E996060C)" } } }, "status" : 500 }

Is anyone else having similar issues ? Have cloud-aws plugin being regression tested recently specifically on 2.4.X version ? I did see some similar issues but people are reporting something wrong with s3 access_key/secret_key, which in my case is not the issue.

dadoonet commented 6 years ago

As per README this repository is now closed. Please ask on discuss.elastic.co.