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Getting InvalidLocationConstraint while creating the bucket in US_EAST_1 region #296

Closed vagdevipedalenka closed 6 years ago

vagdevipedalenka commented 6 years ago

Please help me to solve this issue,

I am getting following error while creating the bucket. Code: Create bucket in US_EAST_1 region AmazonS3Client m_s3Client; CreateBucketRequest obj = new CreateBucketRequest("example_bucket"); Bucket bucket = m_s3Client.createBucket(obj);

Note: I am not passing the region name while creating the bucket:

Error: CreateBucket - com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.AmazonS3Exception: The specified location constraint is not valid. For more information about Regions, see How to Select a Region for Your Buckets. (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidLocationConstraint; Request ID: 1647771648), S3 Extended Request ID: null

dadoonet commented 6 years ago

Not related to elasticsearch.