elastic / elasticsearch-migration

This plugin will help you to check whether you can upgrade directly to the next major version of Elasticsearch, or whether you need to make changes to your data and cluster before doing so.
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Instead of removing indexes by _all maybe just iterate over all indexes? #19

Closed zarucki closed 9 years ago

zarucki commented 9 years ago

Got this when trying to run _plugin/migration/test.html

Error setting up test: Request failed [DELETE http://localhost:9203/_all] REASON: ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[Wildcard expressions or all indices are not allowed]

I know what needs to be done (action.destructive_requires_name needs to be set to false in elasticsearch.yml), but as it is a setting widely recommended to set it will probably be quite common for people.

Wouldn't it be possible to take index list and iterate over it, not requiring any adjustments in config to run test suite?

I will also admit I'm a bit confused why a test which checks if mappings are not conflicting is deleting all indices?

Edit: There should also be some checks to see if there are any indices at all. As I have removed all indices using my shell script. But still get the _all problem.

zarucki commented 9 years ago

Sorry. Confused plugin (developer) test suite with plugin functionality. Closing.