elastic / elasticsearch-net

This strongly-typed, client library enables working with Elasticsearch. It is the official client maintained and supported by Elastic.
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ElasticClient.CatIndices supports header params but cannot return them #4100

Closed domi2120 closed 4 years ago

domi2120 commented 5 years ago

NEST version: 6.8.1

Elasticsearch version: 6.4.2

Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior: The ElasticClient.CatIndices method accepts a "Func<CatIndicesDescriptor, ICatIndicesRequest> selector = null" parameter, which allows editing of the CatIndicesDescriptor. Using this parameter, the headers can be edited, allowing the retrieval of specific fields.

Expected Behaviour: The fields specified in the Headers should be retrieved and accessible on the response.

Actual Behaviour: The Field specified in the Headers are contained in the httpResponse , yet due to the returned CatIndicesRecord not possessing those attributes, they are lost when the response is deserialized into a CatIndicesRecord object.

russcam commented 5 years ago

What information do you need to obtain from the headers on a CatIndices request?

domi2120 commented 5 years ago

The index creation date as string.

russcam commented 4 years ago

OK, if I understand correctly, it's that CatIndicesRecord does not expose a property for index creation date?

domi2120 commented 4 years ago

yes that's it. My apologies if i described it badly.

russcam commented 4 years ago

Cat indices supports a lot of additional headers

es "/_cat/indices?help"
health                           | h                              | current health status
status                           | s                              | open/close status
index                            | i,idx                          | index name
uuid                             | id,uuid                        | index uuid
pri                              | p,shards.primary,shardsPrimary | number of primary shards
rep                              | r,shards.replica,shardsReplica | number of replica shards
docs.count                       | dc,docsCount                   | available docs
docs.deleted                     | dd,docsDeleted                 | deleted docs
creation.date                    | cd                             | index creation date (millisecond value)
creation.date.string             | cds                            | index creation date (as string)
store.size                       | ss,storeSize                   | store size of primaries & replicas
pri.store.size                   |                                | store size of primaries
completion.size                  | cs,completionSize              | size of completion
pri.completion.size              |                                | size of completion
fielddata.memory_size            | fm,fielddataMemory             | used fielddata cache
pri.fielddata.memory_size        |                                | used fielddata cache
fielddata.evictions              | fe,fielddataEvictions          | fielddata evictions
pri.fielddata.evictions          |                                | fielddata evictions
query_cache.memory_size          | qcm,queryCacheMemory           | used query cache
pri.query_cache.memory_size      |                                | used query cache
query_cache.evictions            | qce,queryCacheEvictions        | query cache evictions
pri.query_cache.evictions        |                                | query cache evictions
request_cache.memory_size        | rcm,requestCacheMemory         | used request cache
pri.request_cache.memory_size    |                                | used request cache
request_cache.evictions          | rce,requestCacheEvictions      | request cache evictions
pri.request_cache.evictions      |                                | request cache evictions
request_cache.hit_count          | rchc,requestCacheHitCount      | request cache hit count
pri.request_cache.hit_count      |                                | request cache hit count
request_cache.miss_count         | rcmc,requestCacheMissCount     | request cache miss count
pri.request_cache.miss_count     |                                | request cache miss count
flush.total                      | ft,flushTotal                  | number of flushes
pri.flush.total                  |                                | number of flushes
flush.total_time                 | ftt,flushTotalTime             | time spent in flush
pri.flush.total_time             |                                | time spent in flush
get.current                      | gc,getCurrent                  | number of current get ops
pri.get.current                  |                                | number of current get ops
get.time                         | gti,getTime                    | time spent in get
pri.get.time                     |                                | time spent in get
get.total                        | gto,getTotal                   | number of get ops
pri.get.total                    |                                | number of get ops
get.exists_time                  | geti,getExistsTime             | time spent in successful gets
pri.get.exists_time              |                                | time spent in successful gets
get.exists_total                 | geto,getExistsTotal            | number of successful gets
pri.get.exists_total             |                                | number of successful gets
get.missing_time                 | gmti,getMissingTime            | time spent in failed gets
pri.get.missing_time             |                                | time spent in failed gets
get.missing_total                | gmto,getMissingTotal           | number of failed gets
pri.get.missing_total            |                                | number of failed gets
indexing.delete_current          | idc,indexingDeleteCurrent      | number of current deletions
pri.indexing.delete_current      |                                | number of current deletions
indexing.delete_time             | idti,indexingDeleteTime        | time spent in deletions
pri.indexing.delete_time         |                                | time spent in deletions
indexing.delete_total            | idto,indexingDeleteTotal       | number of delete ops
pri.indexing.delete_total        |                                | number of delete ops
indexing.index_current           | iic,indexingIndexCurrent       | number of current indexing ops
pri.indexing.index_current       |                                | number of current indexing ops
indexing.index_time              | iiti,indexingIndexTime         | time spent in indexing
pri.indexing.index_time          |                                | time spent in indexing
indexing.index_total             | iito,indexingIndexTotal        | number of indexing ops
pri.indexing.index_total         |                                | number of indexing ops
indexing.index_failed            | iif,indexingIndexFailed        | number of failed indexing ops
pri.indexing.index_failed        |                                | number of failed indexing ops
merges.current                   | mc,mergesCurrent               | number of current merges
pri.merges.current               |                                | number of current merges
merges.current_docs              | mcd,mergesCurrentDocs          | number of current merging docs
pri.merges.current_docs          |                                | number of current merging docs
merges.current_size              | mcs,mergesCurrentSize          | size of current merges
pri.merges.current_size          |                                | size of current merges
merges.total                     | mt,mergesTotal                 | number of completed merge ops
pri.merges.total                 |                                | number of completed merge ops
merges.total_docs                | mtd,mergesTotalDocs            | docs merged
pri.merges.total_docs            |                                | docs merged
merges.total_size                | mts,mergesTotalSize            | size merged
pri.merges.total_size            |                                | size merged
merges.total_time                | mtt,mergesTotalTime            | time spent in merges
pri.merges.total_time            |                                | time spent in merges
refresh.total                    | rto,refreshTotal               | total refreshes
pri.refresh.total                |                                | total refreshes
refresh.time                     | rti,refreshTime                | time spent in refreshes
pri.refresh.time                 |                                | time spent in refreshes
refresh.external_total           | rto,refreshTotal               | total external refreshes
pri.refresh.external_total       |                                | total external refreshes
refresh.external_time            | rti,refreshTime                | time spent in external refreshes
pri.refresh.external_time        |                                | time spent in external refreshes
refresh.listeners                | rli,refreshListeners           | number of pending refresh listeners
pri.refresh.listeners            |                                | number of pending refresh listeners
search.fetch_current             | sfc,searchFetchCurrent         | current fetch phase ops
pri.search.fetch_current         |                                | current fetch phase ops
search.fetch_time                | sfti,searchFetchTime           | time spent in fetch phase
pri.search.fetch_time            |                                | time spent in fetch phase
search.fetch_total               | sfto,searchFetchTotal          | total fetch ops
pri.search.fetch_total           |                                | total fetch ops
search.open_contexts             | so,searchOpenContexts          | open search contexts
pri.search.open_contexts         |                                | open search contexts
search.query_current             | sqc,searchQueryCurrent         | current query phase ops
pri.search.query_current         |                                | current query phase ops
search.query_time                | sqti,searchQueryTime           | time spent in query phase
pri.search.query_time            |                                | time spent in query phase
search.query_total               | sqto,searchQueryTotal          | total query phase ops
pri.search.query_total           |                                | total query phase ops
search.scroll_current            | scc,searchScrollCurrent        | open scroll contexts
pri.search.scroll_current        |                                | open scroll contexts
search.scroll_time               | scti,searchScrollTime          | time scroll contexts held open
pri.search.scroll_time           |                                | time scroll contexts held open
search.scroll_total              | scto,searchScrollTotal         | completed scroll contexts
pri.search.scroll_total          |                                | completed scroll contexts
segments.count                   | sc,segmentsCount               | number of segments
pri.segments.count               |                                | number of segments
segments.memory                  | sm,segmentsMemory              | memory used by segments
pri.segments.memory              |                                | memory used by segments
segments.index_writer_memory     | siwm,segmentsIndexWriterMemory | memory used by index writer
pri.segments.index_writer_memory |                                | memory used by index writer
segments.version_map_memory      | svmm,segmentsVersionMapMemory  | memory used by version map
pri.segments.version_map_memory  |                                | memory used by version map
segments.fixed_bitset_memory     | sfbm,fixedBitsetMemory         | memory used by fixed bit sets for nested object field types and type filters for types referred in _parent fields
pri.segments.fixed_bitset_memory |                                | memory used by fixed bit sets for nested object field types and type filters for types referred in _parent fields
warmer.current                   | wc,warmerCurrent               | current warmer ops
pri.warmer.current               |                                | current warmer ops
warmer.total                     | wto,warmerTotal                | total warmer ops
pri.warmer.total                 |                                | total warmer ops
warmer.total_time                | wtt,warmerTotalTime            | time spent in warmers
pri.warmer.total_time            |                                | time spent in warmers
suggest.current                  | suc,suggestCurrent             | number of current suggest ops
pri.suggest.current              |                                | number of current suggest ops
suggest.time                     | suti,suggestTime               | time spend in suggest
pri.suggest.time                 |                                | time spend in suggest
suggest.total                    | suto,suggestTotal              | number of suggest ops
pri.suggest.total                |                                | number of suggest ops
memory.total                     | tm,memoryTotal                 | total used memory
pri.memory.total                 |                                | total user memory
search.throttled                 | sth                            | indicates if the index is search throttled

Thinking about this further, I'm not sure about supporting all of these on the CatIndicesRecord type. Thoughts @Mpdreamz, @codebrain ?

@domi2120 For now, you could define a type deriving from CatIndicesRecord and do something like

var client = new ElasticClient();

var response = client.LowLevel.Cat.Indices<StringResponse>(new CatIndicesRequestParameters 
    Format = "json",
    Headers = new string[] 

var records = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<CatIndicesRecord>>(response.Body);

foreach (var record in records)

public class CatIndicesRecord : Nest.CatIndicesRecord
    public DateTimeOffset CreationDate {get;set;}
russcam commented 4 years ago

We've discussed this on our weekly sync, and decided that we're going to keep the implementation as is, with the ability to specify the headers you're interested in using a solution similar to the above.