elastic / elasticsearch-php

Official PHP client for Elasticsearch.
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client->indices()->stats fails with "No alive nodes in your cluster" exception #1146

Closed FxNion closed 2 years ago

FxNion commented 3 years ago

Summary of problem or feature request

The call to indices->stats(INDEX_NAME) throw an Exception "No alive nodes in your cluster" The cluster is single node, and respond correctly to other client calls, through PHP client our curl

Code snippet of problem


System details

ezimuel commented 3 years ago

@FxNion can you post the PHP code that you are using to build the $this->client instance? Can you also share the code that you mentioned working using other client? Thanks.

FxNion commented 3 years ago

@ezimuel, here the whole things i found to help:

The docker-compose part (who knows):

    container_name: elasticsearch-7
    image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.13.1
    restart: always 
      - discovery.type=single-node
      - cluster.name=wabtch-es-docker-cluster
      - bootstrap.memory_lock=true
      - xpack.security.enabled=false
      - "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1G -Xmx1G -Xlog:disable -Xlog:all=warning:stderr:utctime,level,tags -Xlog:gc=debug:stderr:utctime"
        soft: -1
        hard: -1
        soft: 65536
        hard: 65536
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - elasticsearch-7:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
      - 9200:9200
      - backend

The php code used to create the client (truncated):

class ElasticRepository{

    protected $index, $host, $client;

    public function __construct($host, $index){
        $this->index = $index;
        $this->host = $host;

    public function getIndexSize(){
        try {
            return (int)($this->client->indices()->stats(['index'=>$this->getIndexName()])['_all']['primaries']['store']['size_in_bytes'] / 1024 /1024 );
        }catch(\ Exception $e){
            error_log("getIndexSize : " . $e->getMessage());
            return 1024;

    public function getClient(){
        return $this->client;

    public function getIndexName(){
        return $this->index;

    protected function buildClient()  {
                $clientBuilder = \Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder::create();   // Instantiate a new ClientBuilder
                $clientBuilder->setHosts([$this->host]);           // Set the hosts
                $this->client = $clientBuilder->build();          // Build the client object
// Other code, truncated ...

//To obtain index size, use the stat endpoint ...
$params = [
    'host' => config('elastic.host'),
    'port' => config('elastic.port'),
    'user' => config('elastic.username'),
    'pass' => config('elastic.password')

$esRepository= new ElasticRepository($params, 'the_cool_project'); 
$stats = $esRepository->getIndexSize();

And when the stat portion of code fails, i do search queries in my apps, using the same classes, but also just doing a query to the catalog endpoint to check wether nodes are really dead (they are alive):

docker exec -it elasticsearch-7 curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v

Or even, the stat endpoint, which is successfull

docker exec -it elasticsearch-7 curl http://localhost:9200/_stats

Hope this helps, Regards

ezimuel commented 3 years ago

@FxNion I didn't find the issue on your code. I suggest to enable the logging with DEBUG level to investigate more. You can enable the logging installing monolog (composer require monolog/monolog) and using the following code:

use Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;

$logger = new Logger('name');
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('elasticsearch-php.log', Logger::DEBUG));

$client = ClientBuilder::create() 

$result = $client->indices()->stats(['index'=>'es-index']);

Then you can find the log in the elasticserach-php.log file. Please, share the log file so I can help you.

damianoi commented 3 years ago

@ezimuel I'm experiencing the same issue reported by @FxNion. Unfortunately I don't know if he finally solved it or not, by the way, I'm attaching you the elasticsearch-php.log file. elasticsearch-php.log

Reading the log, it reports "connection refused", but it's quite strange since using a simple curl call from terminal like this: curl -X GET http://elastic:changeme@localhost:9200 it works perfectly and elasticsearch is responding returning cluster's info, as expected.

This is the class that is managing the call to my local Elasticsearch instance:

use Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Logger;

class ElasticsearchRepository
    protected $index, $host, $client;

    public function __construct($index, $host = null){
        $this->index = $index;


            $host = [
                'host' => config('elasticsearch.default_connection.host'), //
                'port' => config('elasticsearch.default_connection.port'), // 9200
                'user' => config('elasticsearch.default_connection.username'), // elastic
                'pass' => config('elasticsearch.default_connection.password'), // changeme
                'scheme' => config('elasticsearch.default_connection.scheme') // http

            // $host = 'http://elastic:changeme@';

        $this->host = $host;


    public function getIndexSize(){
        try {
            return (int)($this->client->indices()->stats(['index'=>$this->getIndexName()])['_all']['primaries']['store']['size_in_bytes'] / 1024 /1024 );
        }catch(\ Exception $e){
            var_dump("getIndexSize : " . $e->getMessage());
            return 1024;

    public function getClient(){
        return $this->client;

    public function getIndexName(){
        return $this->index;

    protected function buildClient()  {

        $logger = new Logger('name');
        $logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('elasticsearch-php.log', Logger::DEBUG));

        $clientBuilder = ClientBuilder::create()->setLogger($logger);   // Instantiate a new ClientBuilder
        $clientBuilder->setHosts([$this->host]);           // Set the hosts
        $this->client = $clientBuilder->build();          // Build the client object

Then, when I create a new instance of the class in this way:

$repo = new ElasticsearchRepository('test-index');


I get this response:

string(51) "getIndexSize : No alive nodes found in your cluster" int(1024)

damianoi commented 3 years ago

Update: I'm having two different docker containers: one for elasticsearch instance and the other for laravel instance. Obviously the two containers were not "talking" each other. I solved creating a network between these different container and using the local IP (172. ...) assigned to the elasticsearch one into the laravel instance. Now it works perfectly.

ezimuel commented 2 years ago

OK, I'm glad that you solved, it was a connection issue. I'm closing the issue.