Based on the initial Spatial ES|QL feature set described in, we would like to see a modest subset of OGC compliant functions. These can be grouped into the following categories:
To be used in the WHERE clause as filters, for example FROM index | WHERE ST_WITHIN(location, "POLYGON(...)")
Scalar functions
For performing calculations or transformations on spatial types, for example FROM index | EVAL area = ST_AREA(geometry)
Statistics (Aggregations)
For aggregating spatial types, for example: FROM index | STATS centroid=ST_CENTROID(location) BY category)
Based on the initial Spatial ES|QL feature set described in, we would like to see a modest subset of OGC compliant functions. These can be grouped into the following categories:
clause as filters, for exampleFROM index | WHERE ST_WITHIN(location, "POLYGON(...)")
FROM index | EVAL area = ST_AREA(geometry)
FROM index | STATS centroid=ST_CENTROID(location) BY category)