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Licenses mismatch for the highl-level rest client between the doc and the pom #112827

Open Fgerthoffert opened 2 months ago

Fgerthoffert commented 2 months ago

Elasticsearch Version


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No response

Java Version

Not Java specific

OS Version

Not OS Specific

Problem Description


In v7.17 the documentation states that the license is "Apache License, Version 2.0".


But in the corresponding source code, the license appears to be "Elastic License 2.0" https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/blob/7.17/client/rest-high-level/build.gradle#L23

Resulting in this pom in maven central: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/elasticsearch/client/elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client/7.17.0/elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client-7.17.0.pom

Could you please provide some clarifications regarding the license of the Java High-Level REST client (and ideally align the two)?


Steps to Reproduce

Opening up the rendered doc and corresponding POM files in the source code highlight the inconsistency.

Logs (if relevant)

No response

Fgerthoffert commented 2 months ago

As for background for this request, on an open source project (for which there's a requirement for Apache 2 license), we're currently using a version of the client (7.4.2) under Apache 2 license but that version includes jackson-dataformat 2.8.1 (version with a vulnerability: CVE-2020-28491).

The vulnerability does not expose the project itself, but it does come up in automated security scans. Removing that false positive would require an upgrade to the client in v7.15+

We're aware of the new java client under Apache 2 license, but it would require some refactoring on our end, which we have in sight, but on a longer term.

elasticsearchmachine commented 2 months ago

Pinging @elastic/es-delivery (Team:Delivery)

Fgerthoffert commented 2 months ago

Hello, any updates on this ticket ?
