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Investigate various implementations of ann search for vector fields #42326

Closed mayya-sharipova closed 2 years ago

mayya-sharipova commented 5 years ago

ann (approximate nearest neighbours) will be a licensed feature of Elasticsearch (not OSS).

We plan to implement prototypes of various algorithms for ann for different distance metrics:

We are interested in users' feedback about:

We have decided to adopt Lucene implementations on ann search, so development of ann search is moved here. Relevant Lucene issues: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9004, https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9322, https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9136

elasticmachine commented 5 years ago

Pinging @elastic/es-search

wmelton commented 5 years ago

You should also consider Covering-LSH - it, with some recent optimizations, appears to solve the false-negative problem common with LSH approaches.


There appear to be some early implementations in C++ already available, however, these do not appear to include the Hadamard code examples in the later white paper revisions that offer performance improvements.


markhuds commented 5 years ago

@mayya-sharipova are you interested in using existing commodity approximate nearest neighbors implementations or implementing an algorithm from scratch? Annoy is a simple to use, simple to tune library created by spotify to perform ann search from an index stored on disk. It indexes vectors with integers which I think you also do behind the scenes. It looks like they also have java bindings so it could maybe fit well with your stack https://github.com/spotify/annoy-java

mayya-sharipova commented 5 years ago

@markhuds Thanks for your suggestion. We are currently evaluating different ann approaches based on the performance but also based how they fit into our elasticsearch/lucene infrastructure. We have considered spotify annoy's approach as well. We still need to make a decision.

We are interested in your use case for the ann search. For what use case have you found annoy compelling?

wmelton commented 5 years ago

@mayya-sharipova Isn't there an issue with using k-means as a possible solution in that you must also continually solve the 'optimal cluster count' problem as the index grows?

K-means could make sense if the domain was well known, and considerable historical data exists to create meaningful centroids from, and to make the cluster count decision from. K-Means also assumes that you don't expect vector attributes to vary much from the current state, doesn't it?

mayya-sharipova commented 4 years ago


Isn't there an issue with using k-means as a possible solution in that you must also continually solve the 'optimal cluster count' problem as the index grows?

Indeed. You are right, a sample on which k-means centroids are found should be representative enough even as the index grows. It seems to me that for all ann algorithms a sample on which you build a model should be representative enough and if your new data vary from the current state than the model has to be rebuilt. We still need to figure out how to organize this in elasticsearch.

markhuds commented 4 years ago

@mayya-sharipova We intend to use output from a deep ranking model that embeds products and queries into a retrieval space such that doing a nearest neighbor search with a query vector will retrieve optimal orderings of product vectors. This will allow us to integrate machine learning techniques to improve overall relevance while maintaining the rich filtering, aggregating, and sorting capabilities we currently enjoy from elasticsearch.

RyanZotti commented 4 years ago

@mayya-sharipova I'd like to use dense vectors of floats (dimensions of 1x2048 -- last layer from Resnet50) for visual search.

mayya-sharipova commented 4 years ago

@RyanZotti Thanks for your usecase. From 7.6 it would be possible to create vectors of 2048 dims (currently they are restricted to 1024 dims).

rjurney commented 4 years ago

When will this be available in the enterprise edition? This is a critical feature for modern search.

rjurney commented 4 years ago

@mayya-sharipova Check this out: https://github.com/facebookresearch/faiss

dpmccabe commented 4 years ago

I would be nice to use some of these suggested distance metrics in more_like_this queries. Suppose I'm storing a dense vector for every document in an index and I feel that this vector represents the document's place in a corpus better than an analyzer+tf-idf could. Then, I could query for similar documents using cosine similarity or some other metric.

This would eliminate a round-trip network request (getting the source document's vector just to send it right back as part of a new query).

rjurney commented 4 years ago

@dpmccabe theres also the general case of creating a document embedding based on your entire corpus of documents, encoding each document in that embedding, then encoding a search query into that vector space and searching by similarity. It’s a general mechanism for search that can work better than or better in combination with Elasticsearch’s existing methods than what exists currently.

It is surprising this doesn’t already exist!

mattjw commented 4 years ago

@mayya-sharipova it's great to see ANN in Elasticsearch is being worked on. Embedding-driven search is something we use here at Cookpad. A scalable solution to nearest vector search within Elasticsearch would be very useful. Much of the rest of our search stack is Elasticsearch, so moving ANN into Elasticsearch is more attractive than monolithic ANN systems (e.g., Faiss, Annoy, etc.).

In terms of scale, we're looking to score over a corpus on the order of 10^6 to 10^7 vectors, and the corpus will continue to grow quickly. dense_vector is great for a two-stage query-then-rescore approach, but of course will be expensive to scale. (For curious – we ran some Exact NN (ENN) benchmarking experiments here to see how far this would take us.)

Metrics-wise, cosine distance is suitable for our current applications of ANN. The primary content so far are text and images – no surprises that one of our key data types here is recipes! Text and image are jointly combined into a single embedding per data item. The upper limit of 1024 to 2048 dimensions will be fine for now.

Other features that are interesting:

Very excited about ANN search coming into Elastic. As @rjurney mentioned, it's a cornerstone for modern search. And outside of the commercial space, I've met research scientists and academics who'd love to drop their embeddings into Elasticsearch – rather than Faiss or Annoy – to get the combined benefit of scalable ANN + simple and flexible querying + a route to multi-node parallelism if needed. They'd love if this was as OSS rather than licensed.

mayya-sharipova commented 4 years ago

@mattw Thanks a lot for details on your use case; interesting to see you benchmarks as well.

mattjw commented 4 years ago

@mayya-sharipova no problem! If want any more information or context please don't hesitate to ask.

ometaxas commented 4 years ago

@mayya-sharipova excited to see that you aim to incorporate ANN within ES. Similar to what @mattjw mentioned above, there are several IR scenarios where one would like to combine simple Lucene-based search / querying, with efficient, large-scale ANN on dense vectors (embeddings)... Given that you are looking for existing implementations, please notice that Erik Bernhardsson, the author of Annoy, provides a benchmark for the most popular ANN frameworks (including FAISS & Annoy) with frequent updates (see https://github.com/erikbern/ann-benchmarks). Also, another recent approach is https://milvus.io/, which combines features from both FAISS and MS SPTAG into a production-oriented system...

mayya-sharipova commented 4 years ago

@ometaxas Thank you for your suggestions. We are using ann-benchmarks for prototype testing, it is indeed a very useful platform. Good to learn about https://milvus.io/, we will explore it more.

raman-r-4978 commented 4 years ago

I have couple of doubts,


mayya-sharipova commented 4 years ago

@RamanRajarathinam Currently we don't have a solution for ann search, only bruteforce precise knn search. We are investigating algorithms and prototypes for ann search.

hzitoun commented 4 years ago

@RamanRajarathinam Currently we don't have a solution for ann search, only bruteforce precise knn search. We are investigating algorithms and prototypes for ann search.

You can be inspired by FAISS, ANNOY or HNSW for fast ANN :)

xumx commented 4 years ago

@mayya-sharipova Another system similar to https://milvus.io/ is https://gnes.ai/ Both of them are Chinese companies (and moving very fast)

It is now a race for vector ANN superiority 🚀 Please don't take too long to investigate! Many 2020 product roadmaps depends on this 🤣

fkostadinov commented 4 years ago

I have looked into this problem in the area of text embedding for some time now. There are various applications, but the ones we are mainly interested in is to use our own semantic embeddings (either pre-trained such as BERT etc. or custom-trained). Then use ANN in order to restrict the search space, and finally use some custom similarity score - preferably cosine distance - to calculate the best matching docs. The beauty of this approach is that you could even support + and - operators in the query using vector algebra in the following sense:

Keyword search: (+) MUST CONTAIN (-) MUST NOT CONTAIN

Semantic search: (+) SHOULD CONTAIN, i.e. move the query vector into the direction of the +term (-) SHOULD NOT CONTAIN, i.e. move the query vector away from the -term

From what I have seen so far, there are essentially 3 different approaches available for ANN:

  1. kd-trees
  2. LSH and derivatives of it
  3. representing vectors as strings, restrict the string lengths (e.g. by using floor functions, rounding and/or truncation), and then use "bucketing" of strings that fall into the same bucket. Probably works only for Euclidean distances though? Cannot find a good paper on this right now.

We have played around using kd-trees with Elasticsearch and have a working prototype, but there is an 8 dimension limitation for the vectors that would require re-compilation to overcome (we need ~300 dimensions for text representation, might be able to reduce to 150 dimensions according to research done, but not beyond), and it's questionable whether we would not run into JVM memory issues or alike doing so.

Having ANN as a licensed feature rather than OSS - if this is based on X-Pack licensing model where you end up paying per node, then this would be a no-go area for us. We have indexes of hundreds of millions of docs, and there is no way we could justify the corresponding costs with our employer.

giladgal commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your feedback @fkostadinov - glad to hear you find this useful. Regarding:

Having ANN as a licensed feature rather than OSS - if this is based on X-Pack licensing model where you end up paying per node, then this would be a no-go area for us. We have indexes of hundreds of millions of docs, and there is no way we could justify the corresponding costs with our employer.

Please note that what we have developed so far in this area we released under our Basic license tier, which means it is free of charge, so there are no licensing costs.

dragon-warrior-nyc commented 4 years ago

I think there are quite a number of recent academic works on implementing ANN using Elasticsearch, including one of the 2019 Elastic Search Award. Are we also planning to try them out?

rjurney commented 4 years ago

One thing I have a question about is - I understand that the existence of a vector type for match in Solr's streaming expressions enable rapid prototyping of vector operations including vector match. Will Elasticsearch have a comparable capability?

@dragon-warrior-nyc do you have links to any source code for these?

dragon-warrior-nyc commented 4 years ago

@mayya-sharipova You might find the following papers helpful in terms of their ANN implementations on Elasticsearch as well as their applications. [1] Rygl, J., Pomikálek, J., Řehůřek, R., Růžička, M., Novotný, V. and Sojka, P., 2017. Semantic Vector Encoding and Similarity Search Using Fulltext Search Engines. In ACL RepL4NLP. [2] Amato, G., Bolettieri, P., Carrara, F., Falchi, F. and Gennaro, C., 2018. Large-Scale Image Retrieval with Elasticsearch. In SIGIR. [3] Mu, C., Zhao, J., Yang, G., Zhang, J. and Yan, Z., 2018. Towards practical visual search engine within elasticsearch. In SIGIR eCom.

For using Elasticsearch to conduct k-NN in Hamming space specifically, an efficient method called FENSHSES is proposed by the following paper: [4] Mu, C., Zhao, J., Yang, G., Yang, B. and Yan, Z., 2019. Fast and Exact Nearest Neighbor Search in Hamming Space on Full-Text Search Engines. In SISAP.

The comparison between FENSHSES and FAISS could be found in the following paper as well: [5] Mu, C., Yang, B. and Yan, Z., 2019. An Empirical Comparison of FAISS and FENSHSES for Nearest Neighbor Search in Hamming Space. In SIGIR eCom.

dragon-warrior-nyc commented 4 years ago

@rjurney I have listed related recent papers above ^. I do not think they published their codes but their methods are quite clearly described in their published conference papers.

nikhilkul commented 4 years ago

For HNSW, I found this piece of work very useful https://github.com/nmslib/hnswlib Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.09320 This method is extremely fast, but you have to compromise accuracy for speed. The ideal use case is landing page vector based recommendations.

For better accuracy, VPTree might be better.

SamyAteia commented 4 years ago

Amazon just integrated KNN search into their "Elasticsearch" service offering. It seems to be based on this project: https://github.com/nmslib/nmslib, maybe worth looking into? https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2020/03/build-k-nearest-neighbor-similarity-search-engine-with-amazon-elasticsearch-service/?nc1=h_ls

mayya-sharipova commented 4 years ago

We have decided to contribute and adopt Lucene implementations on ann search, so development of ann search is moved here. Relevant Lucene issues: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9004, https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9322, https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9136

dgrahn commented 4 years ago

@mayya-sharipova Is there an estimate on when these implementations will be available?

mayya-sharipova commented 4 years ago

@dgrahn Thanks for checking it. Since the development of ann search was moved to Open Source Lucene, there will not be any estimates. You can subscribe to watch the Lucene issues I mentioned above, and if there is some progress on them, you will be notified.

dogberto commented 4 years ago

@mayya-sharipova great to see this reopened.

There are a heap of application domains where our clients would like to make use of ANN for doc retrieval:

A bit hard to tell, but are things stalled around https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9322 ?

mayya-sharipova commented 4 years ago

@BountyCountry Thanks for sharing your applications.

A bit hard to tell, but are things stalled around https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9322 ?

This indeed may progress slower, since vectors would be a new format, it would be nice to get an approval from the community to make sure we cover broad enough cases.

dogberto commented 4 years ago

@mayya-sharipova - thanks Maya! Yes we are relatively agnostic to formats although nice to have both dense and spare vector queries available.

This repo looks pretty on the money! Have you played with it at all? http://elastiknn.klibisz.com/api/#nearest-neighbor-queries Perhaps could be added as a supported plugin while the Lucene route is going slow?

alexklibisz commented 4 years ago

LMK if you all have questions or would like to contribute to elastiknn. There's also a rough roadmap in the wiki.

rjurney commented 4 years ago

This has been open for more than a year. Is this feature dead? Are any resources being put into building this or is it still in the investigative stage? Is this at all important to Elastic? This is a basic feature of modern search and Elastic lacks it.

@mayya-sharipova Is that going to change in the next six months? Year? Two years? Five years? What is the timeline?

joseph-macraty commented 4 years ago

+1 @rjurney With more searches either completely or partially shifting to semantic-based approaches, it's really important to have atleast some implementations of ann search. Since elasticsearch is already integrated with our systems it would be great if this could be done, instead of us having to move to something like FAISS or Annoy.

alexklibisz commented 4 years ago

@rjurney @joseph-macraty, and others: I don't mean to hijack the thread, but I have made a lot of progress on an implementation of KNN/ANN for elasticsearch here: https://github.com/alexklibisz/elastiknn It should be ready for people to start experimenting with; there are installation and API docs here: http://elastiknn.klibisz.com/ Some highlights (copying from the docs):

Right now my main focus is benchmarking, specifically integrating it with ann-benchmarks. After that I'd like to get it published for several ES versions (right now I'm only on 7.6.2), and add some more user-friendly tutorials.

This is all a side/hobby project for me, so I appreciate any help. A huge help right now would be having people just try it out and provide issues/feedback.

rjurney commented 4 years ago

At this point it is crystal clear that this feature will not be solved by Elastic HQ, it will be solved by the community who will advertise that fact here. Then the winning package will be merged into Elastic.

dogberto commented 4 years ago

@rjurney @joseph-macraty, and others: I don't mean to hijack the thread, but I have made a lot of progress on an implementation of KNN/ANN for elasticsearch here: https://github.com/alexklibisz/elastiknn It should be ready for people to start experimenting with; there are installation and API docs here: http://elastiknn.klibisz.com/ Some highlights (copying from the docs):

  • Datatypes to efficiently store floating-point and boolean vectors in Elasticsearch documents.
  • Exact nearest neighbor queries for five similarity functions: L1, L2, Angular, Jaccard, and Hamming.
  • Approximate nearest neighbor queries using Locality Sensitive Hashing and related algorithms for all five similarity functions.
  • Compose nearest neighbor queries with standard Elasticsearch queries.
  • Implemented using standard Elasticsearch and Lucene constructs, so indexing and queries scale horizontally with Elasticsearch.

Right now my main focus is benchmarking, specifically integrating it with ann-benchmarks. After that I'd like to get it published for several ES versions (right now I'm only on 7.6.2), and add some more user-friendly tutorials.

This is all a side/hobby project for me, so I appreciate any help. A huge help right now would be having people just try it out and provide issues/feedback.

@alexklibisz we are successfully using your plugin on 7.6.2 with nearest neighbours queries (angular) against dense vectors. Everything worked out of the box and snappy so a huge thank you for your work. @mayya-sharipova - this one needs backing :)

rjurney commented 4 years ago

@mayya-sharipova +1 to @BountyCountry's comment.

raman-r-4978 commented 3 years ago

Adding my few cents here,

The common problem with most vector store lib(s) is that it doesn't support update/delete an element to/from the existing index. Integrating standard vector search libs to Lucene or ES seems a good idea, since we can make use of its functionalities like merge policy, isAlive bitset and post-processing results. Though, Milvus is built on top of various vectors libs, it handles all these fundamental problems on its own.

People who are looking for KNN support on ES, either they can use elastiknn or opendistro-KNN.

  1. Opendistro-KNN has integrated nmslib via ES plugin (java bindings) to support KNN. This plugin is also available in AWS. I am pretty sure they chose nmslib by merely seeing its performance on ANN benchmarks. I observed a few things while using Opendistro,

    • Graphs are built when you call iw.commit(), and merged when segments gets merged. so if you're going to index (~1M) documents, it is going to take a lot of time.
    • Larger the dimension, higher the time to build the graph
    • nmslib doesn't read its graph (index files) via mmap, leads to higher memory consumption.
  2. On the other hand, Elastic-KNN implemented everything from scratch. As @alexklibisz said, we really need some benchmark scores to compare Elastic-KNN with other native KNN libs such as (faiss, annoy, nmslib, hnswlib,...etc). I haven't explored Elastic-KNN much, so I can't give my feedback on this.

I think these both are the right place to start with unless you're waiting for ES to have ANN feature.

alexklibisz commented 3 years ago

@raman-rajarathinam I have some initial benchmarking results here: http://elastiknn.klibisz.com/performance/. I started working on Elastiknn before opendistro k-nn was released. I haven't measured it exactly, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's faster than elastiknn, since it's using a C library under the hood. However, introducing a subprocess with non-trivial memory usage comes with some deployment tradeoffs like you mentioned.

ometaxas commented 3 years ago

We have decided to contribute and adopt Lucene implementations on ann search, so development of ann search is moved here. Relevant Lucene issues: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9004, https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9322, https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9136

Hi @mayya-sharipova. I see that both https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9004 and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9322 have been resolved. Does this mean that ANN functionality will be exposed any time soon?

rjurney commented 3 years ago

@mayya-sharipova can you please update this ticket? It seems about a million people need this feature and Lucene has the capability. Where is it? :)

joshdevins commented 3 years ago

HNSW has been implemented in preparation for Lucene 9.0, as mentioned above. A pre-requisite to Elasticsearch using that implementation is upgrading to Lucene 9.0 once it's released. The first steps in upgrading are a work-in-progress and you can follow https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/pull/73324 for more details on that process. To be clear, we don't plan on including Lucene 9.0 in Elasticsearch 7.x but rather starting in 8.0. Once Lucene 9.0 is released and integrated into Elasticsearch 8.0, we will be in a position to create a good integration and experience building and searching ANN indices. Some of the reasons this takes us some time is to ensure that the performance, feature-set and usability are on-par with other Elasticsearch features. When there are some more concrete details to share about ANN, we will certainly do so. We fully acknowledge the demand for this feature!

jtibshirani commented 3 years ago

A progress update -- we have been collaborating on some Lucene changes to fill in missing features and improve performance:

We're now thinking through how ANN will fit into the Elasticsearch API. I plan to open a "meta issue" soon with a list of tasks we need to complete the initial integration.

ometaxas commented 2 years ago

We're now thinking through how ANN will fit into the Elasticsearch API. I plan to open a "meta issue" soon with a list of tasks we need to complete the initial integration.

Is there any update on this? Could you also provide a rough time-plan for such an integration?