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Analyzer selection based on json doc field #487

Closed sebaes closed 13 years ago

sebaes commented 13 years ago

Provide a way for the analyzer to be selectable at indexing/query time, as Shay suggested, drive the analyzer used based on a field in the json doc.

A concrete use case is to have many languages, with specific stop words for each of them of course, but with the same document structure for all of them. Right now there is no way to select the analyzer at indexing time, so you end up with multiple document mappings for the same structure but with different analyzers on each.

kimchy commented 13 years ago

Already implemented :): #485.

apatrida commented 13 years ago

485 does not, see #489... Indexing the docs differently at index time does not align them with the correct analysis for query time. You CAN intermix documents in the same set with different analysis at indexing that is compatible with a common query analyzer; but good linguistics support will rarely be that simple.