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Order by scripted_metric sub aggregation #8486

Closed eryabitskiy closed 7 years ago

eryabitskiy commented 9 years ago

Since there is a new Scripted metric aggregation (scripted_metric) in 1.4, it is possible to do a lot of amazing stuff. For example it is possible to implement Weighted Average aggregation, which we were missing before.

Now we are really missing a possibility to sort by scripted_metric results.

Live example:

We calculate weightedAvgVis with scripted_metric and want to get ids with TOP 5 values of weightedAvgVis. Since script returns double, it looks logically possible.

      "match_all":{   }
                  "init_script":"_agg['weightedSum'] = 0d; _agg['countSum'] = 0L;",
                  "map_script":"_agg['weightedSum'] = _agg.weightedSum + _source['avgVis'] * _source['count']; _agg['countSum'] = _agg.countSum + _source['count'];",
                  "reduce_script":"weightedSum = 0d; countSum = 0L; for(a in _aggs) {weightedSum += a.weightedSum; countSum += a.countSum;};if(countSum == 0L) {return 0d;} else {return weightedSum / countSum}"
colings86 commented 9 years ago

@eryabitskiy this is something that I have been thinking about but requires a few outstanding issues to be resolved first. Specifically these are https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/pull/8421 and https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/issues/8434. These would allow us to specify much more powerful order paths and the getProperty method on the scripted metric aggregation could be used to retrieve arbitrary properties of the scripts results.

snikch commented 9 years ago

Hi there, I'm not sure if this is appropriate but I thought you may want to gauge interest. We're very keen to see this as well. Currently we end up doing a lot of sorting on oversized resultsets in Go, whereas being able to sort on scripted metrics would save us this hassle.

vb3 commented 9 years ago

+1 This would be great if solved!

felipegs commented 9 years ago


concordiadiscors commented 9 years ago


rmruano commented 9 years ago

:+1: sort on scripted metrics aggregations would be a killer feature. In the meantime we're also doing client-side sorting on oversized results.

hendrik-schumacher commented 9 years ago


aaneja commented 9 years ago


edigu commented 9 years ago


brianstebar2 commented 9 years ago


tekwiz commented 9 years ago

+1 Aside from the other use-cases mentioned here, this feature would give the Kibana product some major strength, particularly for rapid prototyping.

genme commented 9 years ago


adimasuhid commented 8 years ago


iantruslove commented 8 years ago

(hopping on the "+1 to this feature" bandwagon)

mpereira commented 8 years ago


vhiroki commented 8 years ago


big-striped-cat commented 8 years ago


lquerel commented 8 years ago


bkj commented 8 years ago


mariomara commented 8 years ago


ssickles commented 8 years ago


antmat commented 8 years ago


vasiliy-kiryukhin commented 8 years ago


lquerel commented 8 years ago

Regarding the computation of weighted average I sent a pull request to extend the current avg aggregation in order to support this kind of average natively without scripted metric.

Here the issue created on github: https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/15731

Here the pull request (only the first approach is implemented): https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/pull/15781

lquerel commented 8 years ago

Regarding the support of the order clause for scripted metric I sent a pull request to support that.


orrchen commented 8 years ago


justinmpier commented 8 years ago


jayhahn commented 8 years ago


gchen commented 8 years ago


rajagopals commented 8 years ago


Hexer338 commented 8 years ago


raphaelMalie commented 8 years ago


dhaval1986 commented 8 years ago


Vineeth-Mohan commented 8 years ago

Looking forward for this one...

zzheka commented 8 years ago


lquerel commented 8 years ago

@elasticsearch-guys, Is there any chance to integrate quickly my pull request or an improvement of it.

praeto commented 8 years ago


appasahebs commented 8 years ago


appasahebs commented 8 years ago


golubev commented 8 years ago


Barlog951 commented 8 years ago

I realy need this feature please add it :) +1

jschwindt commented 8 years ago

+1 It would be a great feature

brenuart commented 8 years ago


lukaszkarpeta commented 8 years ago


JonPeel commented 8 years ago


Is there any other approach to this other than client side sorting at present? Trying to sort on a user -specified weighted average on the fly.

chevin99 commented 8 years ago

+1, (and a pretty please) 😄

giocaputo commented 8 years ago


vipulbhavsar94 commented 7 years ago


boatmeme commented 7 years ago


zaobao commented 7 years ago
