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Term vectors for nested fields #91902

Open Barabanga opened 1 year ago

Barabanga commented 1 year ago

Elasticsearch Version


Installed Plugins

No response

Java Version

openjdk version "1.8.0-262" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0-262-b10) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.71-b10, mixed mode)

OS Version

windows 10

Problem Description

Using the mtermvectors api to get the term vectors (with term_statistics) for an artificial document Elasticsearch will ignore the nested fields.

Steps to Reproduce

To reproduce: Create the index and upload a doc

PUT /my-index-000001
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "user": {
        "type": "nested",
        "properties": {
            "first" :  {
                "type": "text"
            "last" :  {
                "type": "text"
                "type": "text"
PUT /my-index-000001/_doc/1
  "group" : "fans",
  "user" : [
      "first" : "John",
      "last" :  "Smith",
      "description":"first description"
      "first" : "Alice",
      "last" :  "White",      
      "description":"second description"

Request the term vector for an artificial document

GET my-index-000001/_mtermvectors
   "docs": [ 
        "doc" : {
            "user" : [
                "first" : "John",
                "last" :  "Smith",
                "description":"artificial description"
        "fields": ["*"], 


    "docs": [
            "_index": "my-index-000001",
            "_type": "_doc",
            "_version": 0,
            "found": true,
            "took": 0,
            "term_vectors": {
                "group": {
                    "field_statistics": {
                        "sum_doc_freq": 1,
                        "doc_count": 1,
                        "sum_ttf": 1
                    "terms": {
                        "test": {
                            "term_freq": 1

The response does not include the term vector for the nested field.

Logs (if relevant)

No response

elasticsearchmachine commented 1 year ago

Pinging @elastic/es-search (Team:Search)

elasticsearchmachine commented 1 month ago

Pinging @elastic/es-search-relevance (Team:Search Relevance)