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Add ability to perform computations on aggregations #9876

Closed colings86 closed 7 years ago

colings86 commented 9 years ago

There are many instances where it is useful to perform computations on the output of aggregations to calculate new aggregations. This meta issue aims to summarize the functionality we would like to add to the aggregations framework to allow different types of computation to be performed during the reduce phase of aggregations.

This set of new aggregations are the highest priority, given their utility in a wide range of scenarios:

At the moment, the remainder of the list is largely explorative, to see which ideas/functionality makes sense and have community interest. Feel free to suggest your own ideas/aggregations/algos!

jhenley45 commented 9 years ago


javadevmtl commented 9 years ago


TheDeveloper commented 9 years ago


I want to have a histogram aggregation that can use the doc_count result field from a parent Terms aggregation as its field.

tcucchietti commented 9 years ago

Big +1 on this!

rtremaine commented 9 years ago


aschokking commented 9 years ago


aschokking commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to do these awkwardly now using scripted aggregations? Is that something Kibana4 can take advantage of if they are there?

polyfractal commented 9 years ago

@aschokking Nope, there's no way to hack this right now...if you want this functionality, you currently have to build it client-side yourself.

This new functionality essentially adds one or more extra reduce phases to the aggregation framework. For example, currently you can get the average price per day for the last 30 days (date_histogram bucket with a avg metric). But you can't get the sum of those averages, since the summation is operating on the agg results and not doc values. You would have to do that client-side right now by summing up the buckets yourself.

From a high level, it looks like this:

1) map executes on each doc to collect value 2) combine all the prices together by averaging all the collected values. This happens on each shard. 3) Send all the shard results to the coordinating node, reduce the shard values together by merging averages

The new functionality introduces a fourth step:

4) Execute another reduce phase, this time iterating over the aggregation buckets and summing the averages.

We are keeping close communication with the Kibana team, since they want to use a lot of this functionality. And none of this will "break" existing aggregations; in fact, all the new aggs look just like the old aggs. So Kibana will be able to implement them as they arrive in Elasticsearch, no need for a new major version or anything.

aschokking commented 9 years ago

Thanks for clarifying @polyfractal, that makes sense.

lukas-vlcek commented 9 years ago

very nice!

lewchuk commented 9 years ago

+1 on adding the secondard reduces, will it be limited to a two level aggregation or can more levels be possible?

I'd suggest a modification to "Aggregation to calculate the (mean) average value of the buckets in a given aggregation" to be "Aggregation to calculate the any/all of the extended_stats values of the buckets in a given aggregation, e.g. after a terms aggregation". This allows each bucket to be given an equal weight regardless of the number of documents in the underlying buckets.

polyfractal commented 9 years ago

@lewchuk The new functionality should be able to work in multi-level aggregations. E.g. you can embed these new aggs at multiple levels in the aggregation tree.

Depending on the agg, they may have certain requirements which must be satisfied (e.g. a derivative must be embedded inside a histogram or date_histo, since it expects numerical series of numerical data); you'll receive a validation error if you put it in the wrong place.

Most of these new aggs also support "chaining". For example, you could calculate acceleration by taking the derivative of a derivative of position. Or do something like take the moving average of the derivative of the position. Etc etc :)

I'd suggest a modification to "Aggregation to calculate the (mean) average value of the buckets in a given aggregation" to be "Aggregation to calculate the any/all of the extended_stats values of the buckets in a given aggregation, e.g. after a terms aggregation".

I believe the plan is to support all the basic "arithmetic" functions, not just mean. So mean/min/max/sum/etc. Basically mirroring the existing set of metrics...but for agg values instead of document values.

lewchuk commented 9 years ago

@polyfractal Thanks for the clarification! Will be very excited to unleash the power of these new aggregations.

Kallin commented 9 years ago

periodicity/seasonality stuff sounds interesting. we would like to do detection of customer attrition, many of whom have seasonal behaviour based on the vertical of their industry. this feature sounds like it could help eliminate false positives.

goupeng212 commented 9 years ago


acarstoiu commented 9 years ago

I've had a close look at the documentation of the upcoming pipeline aggregations. Quite an exciting stuff :smiley:

Yet there's a very important, I'd say capital functionality missing. The primary reason for using the server-side post-aggregations is not laziness (at least not in my case), but performance: it might be killing for your application to receive tons of data on the wire and then crunch them a while to finally spit just a few numbers.

All pipeline aggregations should have a supress_source parameter (or something alike) that would instruct the coordinating node to prune the buckets used as source data from the returned result. Certainly, an aggregation might be supressed by several pipeline aggregations, but one would suffice to have its buckets removed from the reply.

acarstoiu commented 9 years ago

In the meantime I found the filter_path parameter which seems a good work-around (although I expect it to be less performant).

roytmana commented 9 years ago

Read your blog on pipeline aggregations (https://www.elastic.co/blog/out-of-this-world-aggregations) Really nice thank you

I would be interested in few more pipeline aggregations (or rather transformations)

  1. To provide compatibility with huge number of Pivot Table/Chart visualization packages who expect flat dataset and can "pivot" on its columns. Flatten aggregation tree - it would flatten tree of nested aggregations to a list of records capturing keys recursively from top down in the records as well as all metrics.
  2. Overlay transformation that can overlay (with various strategies) aggregation buckets from sibling aggregations. For example if we want to bring _missing aggregation into terms aggregation buckets (I know that 2.0 will support it directly but it is for illustration purposes) or overlaying results produced by aggregations on different fields - for example in case management system they want to count number of cases being opened and closed per month so elastic could collate aggs by two separate fields together based on the bucket key (fiscal year). Even more useful case overlaying with calculation (or script)
  3. Arithmetic/expressions to produce derivative metrics based on agg metrics within each bucket. (#2 is probably more generic and more complex case of overlay with calculation)
clintongormley commented 9 years ago

@roytmana I like the idea of (1) flattening aggs into columns

(2) and (3) sound like they could be achieved very easily with https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/master/search-aggregations-pipeline-bucket-script-aggregation.html

roytmana commented 9 years ago

ok @clintongormley I will play with script pipeline when the beta is out. If you decide to go ahead with (1) I would be happy to provide some use cases.

clintongormley commented 9 years ago

@roytmana just chatted to @colings86 and apparently (2) isn't supported by the bucket_script agg yet. But we should definitely add support

clintongormley commented 9 years ago

Hmmmm actually rereading (2) I'm not entirely sure if I understood it correctly. The examples you provide are quite different, eg:

Am I missing something?

The bit that I said was unsupported by bucket_script was the ability to access two separate histograms

roytmana commented 9 years ago

let me try to elaborate a bit moving _missing: currently (and I know it'll be in 2.0) terms agg does not support missing bucket so one way to solve it was to declare a sibling "missing" aggregation (with the same sub aggs as in the terms) next to my say terms aggregation and then move its result into terms agg bucket array. This is just one example of the overlaying. Here is another one: imagine that you want to selectively drill down sub aggs (that is not to bring subaggs data for every bucket of a parent agg). Example we aggregate by country and city and we want to show breakdown by country and within countries we want to show breakdown by city but only for Germany and France. So One way to do it is to have two sibling aggs one on Country only and the other on Country and City with "include" restricting countries to Germany and France. then overlay second (two level) agg over the first and you have selective subaggregation. It is very useful in UI where user can freely drill down different path of nested aggregations (and they do not wish to drill down into every bucket) and then could change some global filer or search criteria and I need to reload entire visible tree from new query

As for open/closed. I do not think it could be two metrics in one bucket they are two different fields to bucket on. Here is requirement: I want to calculate number of cases and cost of cases opened and closed in each fiscal year and show them side by side. I have two fields OpenFY and ClosedFY which are pre-calculated. I want to show a chart with two data series one for opened and one for closed (counts and cost). Open an closed are two independent fields (It is even possible that there could be a year when there was no closed at all so there will not be a bucket for this FY in closed)

I want to agg on the first and on the second and then merge results by FY so each bucket will get open and closed metrics together. I do it currently in post processing but I think result tree manipulation support directly in ES would be really useful!

One more question I have is about nested and reverse_nested (same for parent) aggregations. They introduce extra level in result tree which I am not sure is necessary. It only changes calculation scope but should not alter result tree depth. It makes it rather a headache to deal with it in dynamic metadata driven systems where users do not care how data is laid out they just pick how to aggregate and what to calculate and I may have to cross nested back and forth to accommodate it. Right now in post processing I have to transform my results by removing these extra nodes created due to nested/reverse_nested (a royal headache in entirely dynamic system) before passing it to UI level. I was wondering if it would introduce any problem (name clash?) if nested/reverse_nested did not introduce a separate node and all its subaggs emitted their results into agg owning the nested one.

roytmana commented 9 years ago

I want to add that nested/reverse_nested introducing extra levels in result tree is not a trivial matter. Consider this example. A Case has Customers and Teams (of employees) who work on the case. I want to see 3 level breakdown of cases by customer by team and by employee. While logically my result tree should have 3 levels actual result tree with all the nesting/un-nesting is good deal more complex. I would greatly appreciate if you give it some thought and see if it an option could be added to skip extra nodes in result tree for calculation scope changing aggs

tmandry commented 9 years ago

Lag or Timeshift Aggregation: Sort of a generalization of the serial differencing agg which only provides the lag functionality, allowing you to perform operations on values in different buckets (from the same or bucket aggregations.)

Use case: Cohort retention analysis, where I want to see what percentage of users come back the day after their first day. I could do this by bucketing by day and by filtering on both first_seen_days_ago:0 and first_seen_days_ago:1, using the lag aggregation to line up the second filter with the first, and finally dividing values from the same cohort.

polyfractal commented 9 years ago

@tmandry hmm, I can see this being useful. Would you need/want a newly created field to be appended to each bucket, like:

"buckets": [
        "key_as_string": "2014-07-29T17:00:00.000Z",
        "key": 1406653200000,
        "doc_count": 7,
        "login_today": {  // <-- original, derived from something like an `avg` metric
            "avg": 1
        "login_yesterday": {   // <-- derived and shifted via a `timeshift` agg
            "avg": 1

Or would it be sufficient if the serial_diff agg allowed arbitrary scripting, so that you could perform any mathematical operation other than just subtraction?

Thinking about it, the advantage of actually appending a new bucket is that you can use something like bucket_selector or bucket_script to filter / munge the agg, whereas the arbitrary scripting might be a bit more limiting.

tmandry commented 9 years ago

@polyfractal For my use case, the serial_diff approach would work, but appending a new bucket would allow us to enrich the interface with raw user counts in addition to percentages. (At least, I think appending would be necessary.)

polyfractal commented 9 years ago

Been working with pipelines more extensively on a demo project. A few observations about what is difficult:

clintongormley commented 9 years ago

An ability to pick out individual buckets from a series. E.g. a first, last, nth metric.

could be: dateAgg[-1].value for last

arivazhagan-jeganathan commented 8 years ago

Query String with Aggregation parameters works fine with JEST client. but with TCP, is it always mandatory to build AggregationBuilder to execute aggregation? Why JSON aggregation query is not supported in TCP? any specific reason for this?

NathanZamecnik commented 8 years ago

A "Moving Standard Deviation" pipeline aggregation would be useful. If we can calculate that on the server we could also create a "Relative Standard Deviation" aggregation which would use a "Moving Average" aggregation and the "Moving Standard Deviation" aggregation. This would be useful to calculate the +/- for various metrics.

For instance, with a Web server I may want to calculate volatility and I could use "Relative Standard Deviation" to see +/- how many client requests I have over time or +/- the sum of bytes served per window, etc. Possibly this could be used with the predictive aggregations to let me get an idea of how much capacity I'll need during various seasons, times of day, etc.

l8liu commented 8 years ago

I agree a "Moving Standard Deviation" pipeline aggregation would be useful. I want to do the statistical control for a time series count data. I can get the moving average of the daily count, but in order to compute the control limit I need a moving standard deviation of the count.

AlexKovalevich commented 8 years ago

I don't see how practically calculate lets say average site visit duration. Lets say I have something like this: parent.subAggregation(AggregationBuilders.terms("visit_metrics_wrapper_agg").field("trackingSessionId").subAggregation(AggregationBuilders.avg("avg_time_per_visit_agg").field("trackingSessionLastUpdateDifference")); parent.subAggregation(PipelineAggregatorBuilders.avgBucket("avg_page_view_time_avg_per_visit").setBucketsPaths("visit_metrics_wrapper_agg>avg_time_per_visit_agg"));

"avg_page_view_time_avg_per_visit" calculates correct result, great! But!!!! Assume you do this for a month period on site with few millions visits per month, this will produce enormous amount of buckets (few millions) split by trackingSessionId. I can't tell how slow it's goint to be inside of the server, but JSON response will contain few million buckets which looks impossible to filter.

It would be great if this kind of structure could be configure to return just response without intermediate steps.

For example in relational DB it would be done in two selects. Internal would would count average time per visit and external average time per visits returning only one row with final result. You don't want your DB to return all the possible temporary results. Something similar would be nice to have in ES!

clintongormley commented 7 years ago

@colings86 @polyfractal can this issue be closed now, or do you want to keep the unimplemented list around?

colings86 commented 7 years ago

@clintongormley yes, i think we can close this issue as we have the core functionality this issue was created to address. New aggregations can be requested and added in separate issues/PRS, this way it will be easier to discuss them

hienchu commented 7 years ago

Is there any plan to do "Agg for building a sliding_histogram" ? I am keen to get this feature to calc document appearance frequency, which is

  1. count per bucket
  2. histogram on count of each bucket.

I am happy to contribute to this work, any consolidated doc / example will help.

colings86 commented 7 years ago

@hienchu my original intention for a sliding_histogram is a bit different I think. I had intended it to be a histogram with an interval and a window such that the output would be buckets whose bounds range is the window period and the change in the buckets bounds from one bucket to the next is the interval. For example you might have an interval of 1 hour and a window of one day. In this case the output would be buckets for 2017-01-01-00:00:00.000 TO 2017-01-01-23:59:59.999, 2017-01-01-01:00:00.000 TO 2017-01-02-00:59:59.999, 2017-01-01-02:00:00.000 TO 2017-01-02-01:59:59.999, etc.

Does that fit into what you are thinking here? It might be a good idea if you raised a new ticket for this and then we can iterate on the idea there?