Click the pretty duration and then the start or end input
[x] Switch to an Absolute date and confirm that the longer date format does not overflow outside the total input width
General checklist
Browser QA
[x] Checked in mobile
[x] Checked in Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Firefox
~- [ ] Checked in both light and dark modes~
~- [ ] Checked for accessibility including keyboard-only and screenreader modes~
Docs site QA - N/A
Code quality checklist
~- [ ] Added or updated jest and cypress tests~
[x] A changelog entry exists and is marked appropriately.
~- [ ] If applicable, added the breaking change issue label (and filled out the breaking change checklist)~
Partially addresses
input widths, more closely matching how EuiSuperDatePicker used to behave pre-Emotion conversion.QA
General checklist