elastic / examples

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Repo Restructure #148

Closed gingerwizard closed 7 years ago

gingerwizard commented 7 years ago

Repository Restructure is being proposed to the following structure:

── Advanced\ Use\ Cases
│   ├── custom_tile_maps
│   ├── docker
│   ├── kafka_monitoring
│   ├── kibana_geoserver
├── Alerting
│   ├── Sample\ Watches
│   │   ├── cpu_iowait_hosts
│   │   ├── errors_in_logs
│   │   ├── filesystem_usage
│   │   ├── lateral_movement_in_user_comm
│   │   ├── load_watch.sh
│   │   ├── ml_examples
│   │   ├── monitoring_cluster_health
│   │   ├── monitoring_free_disk_space
│   │   ├── new_process_started
│   │   ├── port_scan
│   │   ├── system_fails_to_provide_data
│   │   ├── twitter_trends
│   │   └── unexpected_account_activity
│   └── watcher_dashboard
├── Exploring\ Public\ Datasets
│   ├── cdc_nutrition_exercise_patterns
│   ├── donorschoose
│   ├── earthquakes
│   ├── nhl
│   ├── nyc_restaurants
│   ├── nyc_traffic_accidents
│   └── usfec
├── Common\ Data\ Formats
│   ├── apache_logs
│   ├── cef
│   ├── nginix_json_logs
│   ├── nginix_json_plus_logs
│   ├── nginx_logs
│   └── twitter
├── Graph
│   ├── apache_logs_security_analysis
│   └── movie_recommendations
├── Machine\ Learning
│   ├── Getting\ Started\ Examples
│   │   ├── server_metrics
│   │   └── user_activity
│   ├── IT\ Operations\ Recipes
│   │   ├── scripts
│   │   ├── service_response_change
│   │   └── system_metric_change
│   └── Security\ Analytics\ Recipes
│       ├── dns_data_exfiltration
│       ├── http_data_exfiltration
│       ├── scripts
│       ├── suspicious_login_activity
│       └── suspicious_process_activity
│   └── Business\ Analytics\ Recipes
│       ├── twitter_trends
├── Search
│   ├── recipe_search_java
│   └── recipe_search_php
└── Security\ Analytics
    ├── auditd_analysis
    ├── cef_with_kafka
    ├── dns_tunnel_detection
    ├── malware_analysis
    └── ssh_analysis

Included in this work will be:

  1. All examples tested on 5.4 or greater
  2. Filebeat to be used for file based ingestion. Use of modules where possible.
  3. Curl content-type fixed as highlighted here
  4. Removal of shield realm example - moved to docs.
  5. Re-work of docker examples - https://github.com/elastic/examples/issues/147
gingerwizard commented 7 years ago

Added cloud visual to restaurants demo as part of this.

gingerwizard commented 7 years ago


gingerwizard commented 7 years ago

All merged. Closing.