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bad trap error with aws/terraform example #323

Open mbarretta opened 4 years ago

mbarretta commented 4 years ago


When running on OSX, all is well. When running on Ubuntu, the following error is displayed:

null_resource.run-ansible (local-exec): Executing: ["/bin/sh" "-c" "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n\n# Short form: set -u\nset -o nounset\n# Short form: set -e\nset -o errexit\n\n# Print a helpful message if a pipeline with non-zero exit code causes the\n# script to exit as described above.\ntrap 'echo \"Aborting due to errexit on line $LINENO. Exit code: $?\" >&2' ERR\n\n# Allow the above trap be inherited by all functions in the script.\n#\n# Short form: set -E\nset -o errtrace\n\n# Return value of a pipeline is the value of the last (rightmost) command to\n# exit with a non-zero status, or zero if all commands in the pipeline exit\n# successfully.\nset -o pipefail\n\n# Set $IFS to only newline and tab.\n#\n# http://www.dwheeler.com/essays/filenames-in-shell.html\nIFS=$'\\n\\t'\n\n###############################################################################\n# Program Functions\n###############################################################################\n\n_verify_ansible() {\nif [ -x \"$(command -v ansible-galaxy)\" ]; then\n\t# install role\n  ansible-galaxy install git+https://github.com/elastic/ansible-elastic-cloud-enterprise.git\nelse\n  echo \"ERROR: Ansible isn't installed on this machine, aborting ece installation\"\n  exit 1\nfi\n}\n\n_write_ansible_playbook() {\ncat << PLAYBOOK > ./ece.yml\n---\n- hosts: primary\n  gather_facts: true\n  roles:\n    - ansible-elastic-cloud-enterprise\n  vars:\n    ece_primary: true\n    ece_version: 2.5.0\n\n- hosts: secondary\n  gather_facts: true\n  roles:\n    - ansible-elastic-cloud-enterprise\n  vars:\n    ece_roles: [director, coordinator, proxy, allocator]\n    ece_version: 2.5.0\n\n- hosts: tertiary\n  gather_facts: true\n  roles:\n    - ansible-elastic-cloud-enterprise\n  vars:\n    ece_roles: [director, coordinator, proxy, allocator]\n    ece_version: 2.5.0\nPLAYBOOK\n}\n\n_write_ansible_hosts() {\ncat << HOSTS_FILE > ./hosts\n[primary]\nec2-52-90-75-186.compute-1.amazonaws.com\n\n[primary:vars]\navailability_zone=us-east-1a\n\n[secondary]\nec2-107-23-165-2.compute-1.amazonaws.com\n\n[secondary:vars]\navailability_zone=us-east-1b\n\n[tertiary]\nec2-35-175-229-42.compute-1.amazonaws.com\n\n[tertiary:vars]\navailability_zone=us-east-1c\n\n[aws:children]\nprimary\nsecondary\ntertiary\n\n[aws:vars]\nansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/barretta-aws-east.pem\nansible_user=centos\nansible_become=yes\ndevice_name=nvme0n1\nHOSTS_FILE\n}\n\n_run_ansible() {\n  export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False\n  ansible-playbook -i hosts ece.yml\n}\n\n###############################################################################\n# Main\n###############################################################################\n\n# _main()\n#\n# Usage:\n#   _main [<options>] [<arguments>]\n#\n# Description:\n#   Entry point for the program, handling basic option parsing and dispatching.\n_main() {\n    _verify_ansible\n    _write_ansible_playbook\n    _write_ansible_hosts\n    sleep 90\n    _run_ansible\n}\n\n# Call `_main` after everything has been defined.\n_main \"$@\"\n"] 
_main "$@"': exit status 1. Output: trap: ERR: bad trap

Is there something with linux and traps that require a different definition than is present in https://github.com/elastic/examples/blob/master/Cloud%20Enterprise/Getting%20Started%20Examples/aws/terraform/ansible-install.sh#L4-L10 ?

mwessman commented 4 years ago

I'm running into the same error but with the gcp/terraform version. Did you find a solution?

EDIT: The problem was me running terraform in a docker container that used Bourne sh instead of bash. All I needed to do was add bash as the interpreter.