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How to replace expired or soon to expire CA in Fleet (Elastic Agent & Fleet Server) #167

Open lucabelluccini opened 1 year ago

lucabelluccini commented 1 year ago

We do not provide guidance on how to approach a CA certificates replacement in Fleet Server and/or Elasticsearch with Fleet-managed Elastic Agents.

The CA used by Elastic Agent to trust the Fleet Server cannot be provided in the policy. It is only available as a command line parameter and it points to a local file.

Ideally, for updating the CA in Fleet Server without downtime:

Ideally, for updating the CA in Elasticsearch without downtime:

leandrojmp commented 5 months ago

Hello, is there any update on this?

We have a requirement to renew the certificates of our Fleet Server that is close to expiration date but I could not find any documentation about this.

lucabelluccini commented 5 months ago

Hello @leandrojmp, attempting to give some suggestions.

If you have a subscription, we recommend raising a support case.

This issue is to track the missing docs (and possibly a product gap).

The comments below relate to Elastic Agent <> Fleet Server connections, not to Elastic Agent <> ES or Fleet Server <> ES.

On Fleet Server, as soon as you're using the same root CA, you can just generate a new certificate from the same root CA with a newer expiration date. As long as Elastic Agents trust the root CA, it should be ok.

If instead it's the root CA expiring, then it would likely mean you will need to:

FYI @nimarezainia / @amitkanfer as this might highlight not only a doc gap but a product gap (ability to update certificates across the different components of Fleet & EA without downtimes / manual operations)

leandrojmp commented 5 months ago

Hello @lucabelluccini,

Thanks, we already opened a ticket 6 months ago reporting the lack of the documentation about renewing certificates.

At the time we needed to change the CA as well, but this time we fortunately only need to replace the certificate since they are signed by a Know CA.

I opened another ticket today because there isn't yeat any documentation about how to update the certificate before expiring.

Also, it looks to me that this is a product gap as well, having to re-enroll an agent to update the CA is way far from ideal and can be a huge impact for some users.

In my case if I needed to re-enroll thousands of hosts it could take months because of some internal process.

With certificates expiring every year and with the recommendation to expire them every 90 days, the Agent needs to be able to update the certificates and CA more easily.

kilfoyle commented 5 months ago

@jlind23 I can help with docs on this issue but I'd really need a draft, demo, or some sort of guidance from developers. Is there anyone who can provide that info?

lucabelluccini commented 5 months ago

Hello @leandrojmp - thanks for the additional info.

leandrojmp commented 5 months ago

Hello @lucabelluccini,

If it helps, this seems to be the internal issue for an enhancement request that we made last year: https://github.com/elastic/enhancements/issues/20562

jlind23 commented 5 months ago

@AndersonQ as you recently worked on the mTLS issue, would you be able to assist here? cc @pierrehilbert

nimarezainia commented 5 months ago

Team, can we keep this as the documentation issue. Which is merely to say that we would need a new enrollment with the new certs. This is unfortunately a gap we currently have. Will create another issue for an actual fix which will need agent+fleet changes.

@kilfoyle which section would this ideally go into?

AndersonQ commented 5 months ago

Hi, let me try to answer the questions:

Do we support multiple CAs in Elastic Agents?

Yes, the agent can receive a list of CAs

Can we hot-swap the CA (is it reloaded by Elastic Agent) or it is reloaded only at startup?

It's only loaded when the agent starts.

All the Elastic Agents enrolled to the Fleet Server should be updated to trust both the OLD CA and NEW CA. How?

It's technically possible, but right now defining and loading certificates from the policy is being done for mTLS, which does not work on cloud. tl;dr: some development is needed, but with https://github.com/elastic/elastic-agent/issues/2247 and the mTLS as a whole, most of the work should be done. Then it's be just to add both CAs in the policy and the agent would use them both to verify the certificate presented by fleet-server.

Fleet Server can be restarted, replacing the Fleet Server certificates and CA. How?

If the certificates are defined as a path, it should be possible to replace the contents of the file and fleet server should pick up the new ones. As far as I remember it isn't possible to load multiple certificates, only multiple CAs.

I'm not sure, but I believe the agent does not support receiving a directory for CAs or certificates. If it was supported, the contents of the directory could be changed, adding or removing certificates and CAs, and on restart the agent would pick up the updated certificates/CAs

kilfoyle commented 5 months ago

Thanks @AndersonQ! This helps a lot. Once the mTLS work lands it seems the process will be a lot simpler.

@nimarezainia We have this Secure connections section in the docs, but since that section is only about on-prem setups I would lean toward putting this content under "Manage Elastic Agents in Fleet" -> "Elastic Agents".

nimarezainia commented 5 months ago

I'm not sure, but I believe the agent does not support receiving a directory for CAs or certificates. If it was supported, the contents of the directory could be changed, adding or removing certificates and CAs, and on restart the agent would pick up the updated certificates/CAs

I'm fairly certain that this is supported but am struggling to find reference to it in docs/issues :-( We had the same concern for Logstash and trying to find a way to send each agent individual certificates. I agree that it may not be valid for CA.

nimarezainia commented 5 months ago

@AndersonQ not what I was looking for but in our docs HERE you can the see examples where CA and Cert can be loaded from a directory. I guess the question is whether agent/fleet-server read from this path on every new handshake (or do they rely on what's in memory):

sudo elastic-agent install --url= \ --enrollment-token= \ --certificate-authorities=/path/to/ca.crt

sudo ./elastic-agent install \ --url= \ --fleet-server-es= \ --fleet-server-service-token=AAEBAWVsYXm0aWMvZmxlZXQtc2XydmVyL3Rva2VuLTE2MjM4OTAztDU1OTQ6dllfVW1mYnFTVjJwTC2ZQ0EtVnVZQQ \ --fleet-server-es-ca=/path/to/elasticsearch-ca.crt \ --certificate-authorities=/path/to/ca.crt \ --fleet-server-cert=/path/to/fleet-server.crt \ --fleet-server-cert-key=/path/to/fleet-server.key \ --fleet-server-port=8220

nimarezainia commented 5 months ago

When you install an on-prem fleet server:


as @cmacknz mentioned in the other issue we don't expose these tls configs in the UI however the path to CA and Cert can be configured for the fleet server. Queston remains when these get read.

AndersonQ commented 5 months ago

@nimarezainia when I said

I believe the agent does not support receiving a directory for CAs or certificates.

I meant being able to pass a directory containing several CAs/certificates and the agent loading them all, like the --capath of cURL.

Sorry if I wasn't clear on that.

mathy-ufm commented 5 months ago

Has anybody been able to change the CA and certificate on the fleet server, aswell as on the clients without re-enrolling them ? Also.. How do we change them in the policies ? Even though Ive changed the certificates they are pointing to, fleet_policy the old one still shows when I look at the policy....


leandrojmp commented 5 months ago

@mathy-ufm if you need to change the CA that you are using in your fleet server, then there is no way to change it without re-enrolling all your agents.

The CA for the fleet server is set when you run the install command, after that you cannot change, so if your CA expired or you need to change it, you will need to reinstall the fleet server with the new CA and doing that you will need to re-enroll your agents.