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Elastic Integrations
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[Wiz Integration] - Doc update #11520

Open smriti0321 opened 1 month ago

smriti0321 commented 1 month ago

As part of 8.16, we are supporting Wiz data in additional cloud security workflows like findings table, finding flyout, and we are adding the contextual data from the Wiz posture/misconfiguration and vulnerabilities in our user flyout, host flyout and alerts flyout. We would like to update the Wiz integration documentation page with following:

Documentation link- https://www.elastic.co/docs/current/integrations/wiz

Section: Data streams OLD- The Wiz integration collects three types of data: Audit, Issue and Vulnerability. NEW- The Wiz integration collects four types of data: Audit, Cloud Configuration Finding, Issue and Vulnerability.

Related PR- https://github.com/elastic/integrations/pull/10790

Proposal: Do we have a section in Wiz integration document or in general for all integrations, where we call out the workflows in which we support and surface the data coming from these integrations. In case of Wiz we will have out of the box support for Wiz findings to be displayed in Elastic Security-> Findings table

smriti0321 commented 1 month ago

@alaudazzi FYI

alaudazzi commented 1 month ago

@smriti0321 do we expect to have these doc changes for 8.16?

elasticmachine commented 1 month ago

Pinging @elastic/security-service-integrations (Team:Security-Service Integrations)

smriti0321 commented 1 month ago

@alaudazzi yes it is for 8.16.

maxcold commented 1 month ago

I included this change

Data streams
OLD- The Wiz integration collects three types of data: Audit, Issue and Vulnerability.
NEW- The Wiz integration collects four types of data: Audit, Cloud Configuration Finding, Issue and Vulnerability.

to the open PR with 2.0.0 version of Wiz: