elastic / jarvis

Logstash's ChatOps bot, J.A.R.V.I.S.
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Backport function picks up individual commits instead of using squash/merge commit #110

Open karenzone opened 4 years ago

karenzone commented 4 years ago

The @jarvis backport command didn't work as I expected.
Disclaimer: Could be user error or that I have an inaccurate mental model.

Case: https://github.com/elastic/logstash/pull/11715 I got my local copy in a questionable state, and so I squash/merged into master from github.: https://github.com/elastic/logstash/commit/34ee17b0bfc89816f1d968bae07f2c2f7e081b14

I did: @jarvis backport https://github.com/elastic/logstash/pull/11715 7.x 7.8 7.7 I expected the single squash/merged commit to be backported. Instead, the commits were backported individually.

Is Jarvis expecting the commit instead of the PR perhaps? @jarvis backport 34ee17b0bfc89816f1d968bae07f2c2f7e081b14 7.x is 7.8 7.7