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Tree map in Visualize #11790

Closed marius-dr closed 3 years ago

marius-dr commented 7 years ago

Rather common visualization to make percentages easier to understand and a bit more readable than a vertical bar chart for me. Examples:

sasauz commented 7 years ago


jkakadiya commented 7 years ago


cameronkerrnz commented 7 years ago

I would love this in conjunction for mapping private IP addressing within my network. Feed it a list of subnet definitions.

fredericinist commented 6 years ago


kerphi commented 6 years ago


FRANCKSYLVIE commented 6 years ago


txti commented 6 years ago


g-g-n commented 6 years ago


silarion commented 6 years ago


imweijh commented 6 years ago


allenwu5 commented 6 years ago


aenon commented 6 years ago


manonrichou commented 6 years ago

+1 !

Svaag commented 6 years ago


jhernandez-ventustech commented 6 years ago


mbullock1986 commented 6 years ago


bgeVam commented 5 years ago


I created a treemap visualization, any comments and suggestions are very welcome :grin:


jodinathan commented 5 years ago

unfortunately @bgeVam 's tree map does not work with kibana 6.7

mzunair commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am trying to create a TreeMap plugin for Kibana using highcharts. My Kibana version is 6.2.4 and highcharts version is 5.0.12. Can someone point out the possible issue? Is there a problem with Kibana or Highchart version?

damianward1972 commented 4 years ago

+1 2 3 I would really like to have a treemap available within Kibana. Hierarchy drill down would be great but we could start with a simple one and work from there. D

FernandoDurier commented 4 years ago

+1 Please add a treemap, it is extremely necessary, as it is one of the default offers from other visualization tools such as Tableau, Power BI, Watson Analytics, etc.

mmguero commented 4 years ago


leweafan commented 4 years ago


wylieconlon commented 4 years ago

We are shipping treemaps in Lens in 7.8.0! https://github.com/elastic/kibana/pull/55477

I think this issue was probably referring to tree maps in the Visualize app, so I'll keep this issue open and rename it.

victorhooi commented 4 years ago

The sist2 project indexes your local file system, to store in ElasticSearch.

They have a disk usage visualisation, but it's quite basic and only one level.

I'm wondering - would it be possible to use the Treemap in Kibana to visualise this data?

What's the difference between having it in Lens, versus doing it in Visualise?

wylieconlon commented 4 years ago

The main difference is that Lens is part of the free Basic license: https://www.elastic.co/subscriptions

timroes commented 3 years ago

This enhancement is implemented in Lens (via #55477) and available since 7.8.0. Lens GA’d in 7.10 and going forward Lens is the recommended way in Kibana to create visualizations, with more chart types, data processing and integrations planned (see this Lens meta issue).

Thus we decided to not implement this feature outside of Lens. To keep our issues at a manageable amount and reflect our current state of planning, we'll be closing this issue.

mmguero commented 3 years ago

The main difference is that Lens is part of the free Basic license: https://www.elastic.co/subscriptions

This is disappointing, as it's yet another feature not available in the open source variant of Kibana. If Lens is the future of kibana visualizations, where does that leave the open source tier?

timroes commented 3 years ago

@mmguero We just announced a license change for Elasticsearch/Kibana: https://www.elastic.co/blog/licensing-change Going forward all Kibana distributions will contain Lens.

mmguero commented 3 years ago

That is terrific news! Thank you for the update!