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[Security Solution][Detections] Remove allow-listing of Rule Actions #124764

Open spong opened 2 years ago

spong commented 2 years ago

As discussed here, it is no longer a requirement to allow-list which Rule Actions can be used within the Security app -- all actions may be made available by default.

Allow-list is currently located here: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/blob/faf6482e01d5b7ef1b31a58bb70a576a54e422dd/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/common/constants.ts#L272-L282

elasticmachine commented 2 years ago

Pinging @elastic/security-detections-response (Team:Detections and Resp)

elasticmachine commented 2 years ago

Pinging @elastic/security-solution (Team: SecuritySolution)

spong commented 11 months ago

Another community request from slack for making the Server Log connector available to rules.

yctercero commented 8 months ago

@paulewing let's review this one to see if we need this allow list anymore.

vitaliidm commented 7 months ago

As per 8.12, there are no more allow-list for rule actions in Security. Availability of each connector is set within connector definition. So, if we would like to make any connector available it Security it should be done explicitly. As an example, for xMatters, Security app must be added here

Here is a table for each connector and application it is available in

Connector Security Alerting Cases Uptime Gen AI
Server log
Slack API (hidden in UI)
Webhook - Case Management
ServiceNow ITSM
ServiceNow SecOps
ServiceNow ITOM
IBM Resilient
Microsoft Teams
Amazon Bedrock
D3 Security
Sentinel One (hidden behind Feature flag)

Based on requests for enabling specific connectors and its applicability, for the next stage of testing I am going to enable xMatters and Server log connectors to deploy on a test host. Gen AI and Webhook - Case Management connectors, looks like would not fit for Security rule actions purposes