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[APM] Errors from suggestions endpoint in E2E tests #143830

Open dgieselaar opened 1 year ago

dgieselaar commented 1 year ago

The GET /internal/apm/suggestions endpoint is being called in the E2E tests with fieldName being an empty string, resulting in an error from ES, because the term query that is used ends up being invalid due to it missing a field name.

This results in a lot of noise in the E2E test log. We should:

At least one E2E test that is exhibiting this issue is power_user/settings/custom_links.cy.ts. See https://buildkite.com/elastic/kibana-pull-request/builds/82001#01840561-a6ab-4c53-86bb-c560ccc618a6 for an example.

proc [kibana] [2022-10-23T15:36:30.903+00:00][ERROR][plugins.apm] Error: x_content_parse_exception: [x_content_parse_exception] Reason: [1:193] [bool] failed to parse field [filter]
  | proc [kibana]     at /opt/local-ssd/buildkite/builds/kb-cigroup-6-1d0cfbc7457de76e/elastic/kibana-pull-request/kibana-build-xpack/x-pack/plugins/observability/common/utils/unwrap_es_response.js:59:11
  | proc [kibana]     at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
  | proc [kibana]     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
  | proc [kibana]     at getSuggestionsWithTermsAggregation (/opt/local-ssd/buildkite/builds/kb-cigroup-6-1d0cfbc7457de76e/elastic/kibana-pull-request/kibana-build-xpack/x-pack/plugins/apm/server/routes/suggestions/get_suggestions_with_terms_aggregation.js:37:20)
  | proc [kibana]     at /opt/local-ssd/buildkite/builds/kb-cigroup-6-1d0cfbc7457de76e/elastic/kibana-pull-request/kibana-build-xpack/x-pack/plugins/apm/server/routes/apm_routes/register_apm_server_routes.js:96:13
  | proc [kibana]     at Router.handle (/opt/local-ssd/buildkite/builds/kb-cigroup-6-1d0cfbc7457de76e/elastic/kibana-pull-request/kibana-build-xpack/node_modules/@kbn/core-http-router-server-internal/target_node/src/router.js:163:30)
  | proc [kibana]     at handler (/opt/local-ssd/buildkite/builds/kb-cigroup-6-1d0cfbc7457de76e/elastic/kibana-pull-request/kibana-build-xpack/node_modules/@kbn/core-http-router-server-internal/target_node/src/router.js:124:50)
  | proc [kibana]     at exports.Manager.execute (/opt/local-ssd/buildkite/builds/kb-cigroup-6-1d0cfbc7457de76e/elastic/kibana-pull-request/kibana-build-xpack/node_modules/@hapi/hapi/lib/toolkit.js:60:28)
  | proc [kibana]     at Object.internals.handler (/opt/local-ssd/buildkite/builds/kb-cigroup-6-1d0cfbc7457de76e/elastic/kibana-pull-request/kibana-build-xpack/node_modules/@hapi/hapi/lib/handler.js:46:20)
  | proc [kibana]     at exports.execute (/opt/local-ssd/buildkite/builds/kb-cigroup-6-1d0cfbc7457de76e/elastic/kibana-pull-request/kibana-build-xpack/node_modules/@hapi/hapi/lib/handler.js:31:20)
  | proc [kibana]     at Request._lifecycle (/opt/local-ssd/buildkite/builds/kb-cigroup-6-1d0cfbc7457de76e/elastic/kibana-pull-request/kibana-build-xpack/node_modules/@hapi/hapi/lib/request.js:371:32)
  | proc [kibana]     at Request._execute (/opt/local-ssd/buildkite/builds/kb-cigroup-6-1d0cfbc7457de76e/elastic/kibana-pull-request/kibana-build-xpack/node_modules/@hapi/hapi/lib/request.js:281:9)
  | proc [kibana] Response: {
  | proc [kibana]   error: {
  | proc [kibana]     root_cause: [
  | proc [kibana]       {
  | proc [kibana]         type: 'x_content_parse_exception',
  | proc [kibana]         reason: '[1:193] [bool] failed to parse field [filter]'
  | proc [kibana]       }
  | proc [kibana]     ],
  | proc [kibana]     type: 'x_content_parse_exception',
  | proc [kibana]     reason: '[1:193] [bool] failed to parse field [filter]',
  | proc [kibana]     caused_by: {
  | proc [kibana]       type: 'illegal_argument_exception',
  | proc [kibana]       reason: 'field name is null or empty'
  | proc [kibana]     }
  | proc [kibana]   },
  | proc [kibana]   status: 400
  | proc [kibana] }
  | proc [kibana]
elasticmachine commented 1 year ago

Pinging @elastic/apm-ui (Team:APM)

sorenlouv commented 1 year ago

If known, can you link to the test that is causing this?

dgieselaar commented 1 year ago

@sqren Updated the issue description.

sorenlouv commented 1 year ago
  • use nonEmptyStringRt instead of t.string for fieldName in the route validation if we decide the request should be invalid

I agree that would be better but it looks like it wouldn't affect anything we do today. fieldName is already required in the two components calling that endpoint afaict:



Which begs the question: how does this then happen?

dgieselaar commented 1 year ago

@sqren TypeScript is not very helpful when dealing with empty strings (vs non-empty strings). nonEmptyStringRt would at least add a more strict API validation.

sorenlouv commented 1 year ago

Ahh, you are right. Required doesn't mean non-empty.

sorenlouv commented 1 year ago

I think the error is caused by the initial state that has an empty key: '':


We can fix this by only making the request when fieldName is non-empty: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/blob/3f64d246607c8bf5fa14193cf6852874af860ee2/x-pack/plugins/apm/public/components/shared/suggestions_select/index.tsx#L53-L69

dgieselaar commented 1 year ago

@gbamparop Still annoying, should be an easy fix, can we pull it in for 8.10?

gbamparop commented 1 year ago

@gbamparop Still annoying, should be an easy fix, can we pull it in for 8.10?

What about including it in the next test plan?