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Improve doc links in step-based add agent/integrations workflow #149170

Open dedemorton opened 2 years ago

dedemorton commented 2 years ago

The documentation links in the new step-based workflow (added in https://github.com/elastic/kibana/pull/132809) point to pages that may be confusing to new users. When the user follows the links, they'll see steps and a screenshot that does not match the UI they're using.

As a quick fix, I propose that we modify the links. This might be difficult if we are reusing code, but let's decide what works best for the user. Here's my proposal:

Note that these recommendations are based on the original design, which has changed, but it sounds like the links still need to be updated.

1) On the "Ready to add your first integration" page:

  1. Change "Learn more about installing Elastic Agent" to "Learn more about Elastic Agent".
  2. Link to https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/fleet/8.3/fleet-overview.html (using the appropriately versioned URL).


Why? It's premature to describe installation options here. If users need to access the docs at this point, they're probably asking questions like: What is Elastic Agent? What are integrations?

2) On the "Install Elastic Agent" page:

Option 1:

  1. Move the following sentence to appear at the end of the introduction (and above the first step): "For additional guidance, see our installation docs."
  2. Change the link to point to https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/fleet/8.3/elastic-agent-installation.html (using the appropriately versioned URL).


Why? Sending users directly to the topic about installing Fleet-managed agents may be confusing to new users. When the user follows the link, they'll see steps and a screenshot that does not match the onboarding UI they're using. Sending them to the top-level topic in the installation docs helps them learn more about Fleet vs standalone mode, and they can access other useful topics related to installation. They might still drill down into the specific topics and be confused, though.

Option 2:

Remove the sentence entirely and do not link to the installation docs from the step-based workflow.

3) On the "Install Elastic Agent" page for standalone mode:

Delete the sentence that links to the installation docs.


Why? Sending users directly to the topic about installing standalone agents may be confusing to new users. When users follow the link, they will see steps and a screenshot that doesn't match the onboarding UI they're using. Also because the standalone content was written with the assumption that users might not be using Fleet at all, the steps are quite different.

Describe a specific use case for the feature:

New users onboarding to Elastic need docs that support that experience and match what they see in the UI.

bmorelli25 commented 2 years ago

1) 👍

2) I think it makes sense to keep the doc link as it explains both methods of installing Elastic Agent. So with Option 1, the first paragraph would look like this (links bolded)

These steps configure and enroll the Elastic Agent in Fleet to automatically deploy updates and centrally manage the agent. As an alternative to Fleet, advanced users can run agents in standalone mode. For additional guidance, see our installation docs.

Maybe this isn't important, but it's not clear to me that the standalone mode link isn't a doc link. So it seems like we have back-to-back documentation links. Can/should we change the wording of the standalone sentence to clearly explain that users are being linked to a new Kibana workflow and not docs?

3) 👍

dedemorton commented 2 years ago

Can/should we change the wording of the standalone sentence to clearly explain that users are being linked to a new Kibana workflow and not docs?

I agree. I think they've made the standalone selection too subtle. I'll include that feedback when I open my PR.

dedemorton commented 1 year ago

This issue is old.... I need to:

dedemorton commented 1 year ago

Checked 8.6.0 and can't seem to get the step-based workflow to appear. :-/ @mdbirnstiehl Would mind spinning up an 8.6.0 cloud instance to see if the links still need to be updated?

You should see this workflow when you add an integration for the first time.

mdbirnstiehl commented 1 year ago

The links are still there. I might add that (maybe it's out of the scope of this ticket) the way users move through this guide isn't very intuitive.

It took me quite a while to figure out that I was supposed to click the blue button at the bottom of the screen to get started as it looks like a temporary banner and the blue button looks like it's associated with the white text. It's also attached to the bottom of the window, so on a large monitor it feels disconnected from the information above it. This is going to lead people to click the Learn more about installing Elastic Agent link thinking it's the first step of adding your integration, when really we want them to click the Install Elastic Agent button.

Sorry for the long-winded response to your question. tl;dr The links are still there 😄.

dedemorton commented 1 year ago

It took me quite a while to figure out that I was supposed to click the blue button at the bottom of the screen to get started as it looks like a temporary banner and the blue button looks like it's associated with the white text....

I agree. I provided similar feedback about the white text when I reviewed the PR that added the link, but the general response was that it is an EUI pattern. :-/

In a different PR, I mentioned that the button at the bottom was too disconnected from the steps (when viewed on a large monitor), but got a similar respondes. :-/

It might be worth opening an issue in Kibana to bring up the problem again because I suspect this is a common problem for new users.

elasticmachine commented 1 year ago

Pinging @elastic/fleet (Team:Fleet)

hop-dev commented 1 year ago

Checked 8.6.0 and can't seem to get the step-based workflow to appear. :-/ @mdbirnstiehl Would mind spinning up an 8.6.0 cloud instance to see if the links still need to be updated?

@dedemorton the step based workflow only appears on cloud for the first integration added, but for local testing you can add ?useMultiPageLayout to the add integration URL to switch to the steps layout, e.g
