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[Security Solution] Duplicate detection rule shows wrong/old name #161199

Open smnschneider opened 1 year ago

smnschneider commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug:

When duplicating a detection rule and changing the name e.g. from Test_Detection_Rule1 [Duplicate] to Test_Detection_Rule2 the old name is shown in the modal on the bottom right.

Kibana/Elasticsearch Stack version:


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create detection rule
  2. Duplicate Rule
  3. Change name of duplicated detection rule

Current behavior:

Name of the rule with the addition [Duplicate] is shown.

Expected behavior:

The jus typed in new name of the detection rule should be shown in the modal.

Screenshots (if relevant):



elasticmachine commented 1 year ago

Pinging @elastic/security-solution (Team: SecuritySolution)

MadameSheema commented 1 year ago

@smnschneider thanks for the report :)

@peluja1012 can you please help to clarify if is this a real issue or is working as intended by design? Thanks!

elasticmachine commented 1 year ago

Pinging @elastic/security-detections-response (Team:Detections and Resp)

banderror commented 1 year ago

@yctercero Looks like when you save a rule after editing it on the Edit page, the toast shows the previous rule name, not the updated one.

cybersecdiva commented 10 months ago

Tested in 8.10 BC7

Build Details:

VERSION: 8.10.0 BC7
BUILD: 66350
COMMIT: 824bcbfd9972c61e79ca9def6d43b550c5ff2999



Steps to Reproduce:

In the Aboutsection tag under the Name change the rule name. In this case example, I changed my rule name to "Suspicious Process via Direct System Call Name Test" leaving the [Duplicate] in the name to easily identify the rule


Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 6 24 35 PM

Screen Recording:


@MadameSheema @banderror @yctercero FYI Updated Observations