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[APM] Add automated tests targeting services using OpenTelemetry agents #162049

Open gbamparop opened 1 year ago

gbamparop commented 1 year ago

Currently, we don't have automated tests to cover services using OTel agents. As data output can be slightly different compared to the Elastic APM agents this can lead to inconsistencies in the UI. A recent example was the top 5 errors and top 5 transactions tables being empty for OTel-backed services due to the transaction name not being available on the error documents (issue).

Having API and Cypress tests in place could enable us to document limitations and capture possible regressions.

Synthtrace can be used to create synthetic data for OTel agents, in addition to the data we already indexing. The data model could be updated to cater for new agent versions.

As there can be differences in the produced data model between agents, we can start by adding tests for the Java agent and expand to other agents later on.

elasticmachine commented 1 year ago

Pinging @elastic/apm-ui (Team:APM)