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Failing test: X-Pack Monitoring API Integration Tests.x-pack/test/monitoring_api_integration/apis/apm/overview·ts - Monitoring Endpoints APM Overview Package (metrics-*) should summarize apm cluster with metrics #163677

Open kibanamachine opened 11 months ago

kibanamachine commented 11 months ago

A test failed on a tracked branch

Error: expected { stats: 
   { totalEvents: 0,
     memRss: 0,
     apms: { total: 0 },
     versions: [],
     config: { container: false } },
   { apm_cpu: [ [Object] ],
     apm_os_load: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
     apm_memory: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
     apm_memory_cgroup: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
     apm_output_events_rate_success: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
     apm_output_events_rate_failure: [ [Object], [Object] ],
     apm_responses_valid: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
      [ [Object],
        [Object] ],
     apm_requests: [ [Object] ],
     apm_transformations: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ] } } to sort of equal { stats: 
   { totalEvents: 1876,
     memRss: 20180992,
     apms: { total: 1 },
     versions: [ '8.7.0' ],
     timeOfLastEvent: '2023-03-22T16:01:17.098Z',
     config: { container: false } },
   { apm_cpu: [ [Object] ],
     apm_os_load: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
     apm_memory: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
     apm_memory_cgroup: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
     apm_output_events_rate_success: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
     apm_output_events_rate_failure: [ [Object], [Object] ],
     apm_responses_valid: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
      [ [Object],
        [Object] ],
     apm_requests: [ [Object] ],
     apm_transformations: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ] } }
    at Assertion.assert (expect.js:100:11)
    at Assertion.eql (expect.js:244:8)
    at Context.<anonymous> (overview.ts:33:23)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at Object.apply (wrap_function.js:73:16) {
  actual: '{\n' +
    '  "metrics": {\n' +
    '    "apm_cpu": [\n' +
    '      {\n' +
    '        "bucket_size": "10 seconds"\n' +
    '        "data": []\n' +
    '        "metric": {\n' +
    '          "app": "apm"\n' +
    '          "description": "Percentage of CPU time spent executing (user+kernel mode) for the APM process"\n' +
    '          "field": "beats_stats.metrics.beat.cpu.total.value"\n' +
    '          "format": "0.[00]"\n' +
    '          "hasCalculation": true\n' +
    '          "isDerivative": true\n' +
    '          "label": "Total"\n' +
    '          "metricAgg": "max"\n' +
    '          "title": "CPU Utilization"\n' +
    '          "units": "%"\n' +
    '        }\n' +
    '        "timeRange": {\n' +
    '          "max": 1679500880000\n' +
    '          "min": 1679500640000\n' +
    '        }\n' +
    '      }\n' +
    '    ]\n' +
    '    "apm_memory": [\n' +
    '      {\n' +
    '        "bucket_size": "10 seconds"\n' +
    '        "data": []\n' +
    '        "metric": {\n' +
    '          "app": "apm"\n' +
    '          "description": "Allocated memory"\n' +
    '          "field": "beats_stats.metrics.beat.memstats.memory_alloc"\n' +
    '          "format": "0,0.0 b"\n' +
    '          "hasCalculation": false\n' +
    '          "isDerivative": false\n' +
    '          "label": "Allocated Memory"\n' +
    '          "metricAgg": "max"\n' +
    '          "title": "Memory"\n' +
    '          "units": "B"\n' +
    '        }\n' +
    '        "timeRange": {\n' +
    '          "max": 1679500880000\n' +
    '          "min": 1679500640000\n' +
    '        }\n' +
    '      }\n' +
    '      {\n' +
    '        "bucket_size": "10 seconds"\n' +
    '        "data": []\n' +
    '        "metric": {\n' +
    '          "app": "apm"\n' +
    '          "description": "Resident set size of memory reserved by the APM service from the OS"\n' +
    '          "field": "beats_stats.metrics.beat.memstats.rss"\n' +
    '          "format": "0,0.0 b"\n' +
    '          "hasCalculation": false\n' +
    '          "isDerivative": false\n' +
    '          "label": "Process Total"\n' +
    '          "metricAgg": "max"\n' +
    '          "title": "Memory"\n' +
    '          "units": "B"\n' +
    '        }\n' +
    '        "timeRange": {\n' +
    '          "max": 1679500880000\n' +
    '          "min": 1679500640000\n' +
    '        }\n' +
    '      }\n' +
    '      {\n' +
    '        "bucket_size": "10 seconds"\n' +
    '        "data": []\n' +
    '        "metric": {\n' +
    '          "app": "apm"\n' +
    '          "description": "Limit of allocated memory at which garbage collection will occur"\n' +
    '          "field": "beats_stats.metrics.beat.memstats.gc_next"\n' +
    '          "format": "0,0.0 b"\n' +
    '          "hasCalculation": false\n' +
    '          "isDerivative": false\n' +
    '          "label": "GC Next"\n' +
    '          "metricAgg": "max"\n' +
    '          "title": "Memory"\n' +
    '          "units": "B"\n' +
    '        }\n' +
    '        "timeRange": {\n' +
    '          "max": 1679500880000\n' +
    '          "min": 1679500640000\n' +
    '        }\n' +
    '      }\n' +
    '    ]\n' +
    '    "apm_memory_cgroup": [\n' +
    '      {\n' +
    '        "bucket_size": "10 seconds"\n' +
    '        "data": []\n' +
    '        "metric": {\n' +
    '          "app": "apm"\n' +
    '          "description": "Memory usage of the container"\n' +
    '          "field": "beats_stats.metrics.beat.cgroup.memory.mem.usage.bytes"\n' +
    '          "format": "0,0.0 b"\n' +
    '          "hasCalculation": false\n' +
    '          "isDerivative": false\n' +
    '          "label": "Memory Utilization (cgroup)"\n' +
    '          "metricAgg": "max"\n' +
    '          "title": "Memory"\n' +
    '          "units": "B"\n' +
    '        }\n' +
    '        "timeRange": {\n' +
    '          "max": 1679500880000\n' +
    '          "min": 1679500640000\n' +
    '        }\n' +
    '      }\n' +
    '      {\n' +
    '        "bucket_size": "10 seconds"\n' +
    '        "data": []\n' +
    '        "metric": {\n' +
    '          "app": "apm"\n' +
    '          "description": "Memory limit of the container"\n' +
    '          "field": "beats_stats.metrics.beat.cgroup.memory.mem.limit.bytes"\n' +
    '          "format": "0,0.0 b"\n' +
    '          "hasCalculation": false\n' +
    '          "isDerivative": false\n' +
    '          "label": "Memory Limit"\n' +
    '          "metricAgg": "max"\n' +
    '          "title": "Memory"\n' +
    '          "units": "B"\n' +
    '        }\n' +
    '        "timeRange": {\n' +
    '          "max": 1679500880000\n' +
    '          "min": 1679500640000\n' +
    '        }\n' +
    '      }\n' +
    '      {\n' +
    '        "bucket_size": "10 seconds"\n' +
    '        "data": []\n' +
    '        "metric": {\n' +
    '          "app": "apm"\n' +
    '          "description": "Limit of allocated memory at which garbage collection will occur"\n' +
    '          "field": "beats_stats.metrics.beat.memstats.gc_next"\n' +
    '          "format": "0,0.0 b"\n' +
    '          "hasCalculation": false\n' +
    '          "isDerivative": false\n' +
    '          "label": "GC Next"\n' +
    '          "metricAgg": "max"\n' +
    '          "title": "Memory"\n' +
    '          "units": "B"\n' +
    '        }\n' +
    '        "timeRange": {\n' +
    '          "max": 1679500880000\n' +
    '          "min": 1679500640000\n' +
    '        }\n' +
    '      }\n' +
    '    ]\n' +
    '    "apm_os_load": [\n' +
    '      {\n' +
    '        "bucket_size": "10 seconds"\n' +
    '        "data": []\n' +
    '        "metric": {\n' +
    '          "app": "apm"\n' +
    '          "description": "Load average over the last 1 minute"\n' +
    '          "field": "beats_stats.metrics.system.load.1"\n' +
    '          "format": "0,0.[00]"\n' +
    '          "hasCalculation": false\n' +
    '          "isDerivative": false\n' +
    '          "label": "1m"\n' +
    '          "metricAgg": "max"\n' +
[report_failure] output truncated to 8192 characters

First failure: CI Build - main

elasticmachine commented 11 months ago

Pinging @elastic/apm-ui (Team:APM)