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[management][settings] Replace prop drilling of settings changes with Redux. #166579

Open clintandrewhall opened 10 months ago

clintandrewhall commented 10 months ago

The functional flow logic we've adopted for @kbn/management-settings components is not one I would encourage. Specifically, these components use "drilled" onChange handlers that pass changes up to a component-based store, then back down to the input component.

In the interest of time and compatibility, we've opted to use this pattern from the original components in advancedSettings. We need to revisit the state management and prop-drilling when we replace the application in the advancedSettingsplugin.

elasticmachine commented 10 months ago

Pinging @elastic/platform-deployment-management (Team:Deployment Management)

elasticmachine commented 10 months ago

Pinging @elastic/appex-sharedux (Team:SharedUX)