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[Logs Onboarding] Empty dashboards showing lots of errors when Agent install fails #166856

Open gbamparop opened 9 months ago

gbamparop commented 9 months ago

Based on this JIRA issue created by @teresaalvarezsoler:

I couldn’t execute the first step of installing Elastic Agent, it failed. However, I can see a list of 12 dashboards now without any data, all the panels showing errors. Why do we install the integration dashboards if the Elastic Agent failed in the first step? Shouldn’t we wait until the integration is successful to show the dashboards?


Comment from @ruflin:

I remember we had quite a bit of discussions around at what step we install the integration. As the integration also installs templates and ingest pipelines, these must exist before Agent data is shipped. There is no way to only install ingest pipelines / templates and not dashboards.

I agree it is not ideal that users have the dashboards with empty data but lets optimise for the successful users of installing of Elastic Agent and fix potential issue with install.

The problem with the empty dashboards is something we discussed in the past: Ideally if there is no data at all / no data streams for this data, instead of showing the dashboard we could show some info on how to onboard the data but AFAIK Kibana does not support this today.

elasticmachine commented 9 months ago

Pinging @elastic/apm-ui (Team:APM)