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[Cases] Create an Update Case endpoint #167768

Open cnasikas opened 9 months ago

cnasikas commented 9 months ago

Every time we add a new field to a case we need to update the Bulk Update Cases API to support the new fields. The API usually iterates over all requested cases to do field validations, data transformations, and data creation. This process can slowly make the API complex, difficult to maintain, and slow. We need to create a PATCH /api/cases/<case_id> endpoint dedicated to update a single case and support existing and new features. The Bulk Update Cases API should support a few selective operations like bulk deleting cases or bulk updating simple fields like the tags or the severity of a case.

elasticmachine commented 9 months ago

Pinging @elastic/response-ops (Team:ResponseOps)

elasticmachine commented 9 months ago

Pinging @elastic/response-ops-cases (Feature:Cases)