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[UnifiedDocViewer] Add the flyout to the package/plugin #167846

Open kertal opened 9 months ago

kertal commented 9 months ago

Currently, the unified doc viewer component does not include a flyout. This enables the unified doc viewer to be embedded without the flyout for the single document view. In many other usages, the component is wrapped in a flyout. This issue aims to add flyout support to the document viewer package/plugin.

To enable this, we will add a new parameter, isFlyoutView. When true (the default), the unified doc viewer component will be wrapped in a flyout:


The flyout is currently implemented in Discover (source). This flyout will be moved into the kbn-unified-doc-viewer package.

The flyout header includes actions that can be taken on a document level. These will become part of the unified doc viewer API.

elasticmachine commented 9 months ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-data-discovery (Team:DataDiscovery)