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[Cloud Security] Cloud Posture Management potentially stores unnecessary secrets #171922

Open romulets opened 7 months ago

romulets commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug: I noticed that we store all the values filled in the Cloud Security Posture form, even the ones not used. For example I added a random secret access key for cspm aws and kspm eks. This is stored and displayed:

 "kspm-cloudbeat/cis_eks": {
      "enabled": true,
      "streams": {
        "cloud_security_posture.findings": {
          "enabled": true,
          "vars": {
            "secret_access_key": "1231231231231",
            "aws.credentials.type": "direct_access_keys"
    "cspm-cloudbeat/cis_aws": {
      "enabled": false,
      "streams": {
        "cloud_security_posture.findings": {
          "enabled": false,
          "vars": {
            "secret_access_key": "231234234234",
            "aws.credentials.type": "direct_access_keys",
            "aws.account_type": "organization-account"

It looks a bit unnecessary to potentially store non used secrets. More on the premise of "if you don't need it don't keep it". Personally I think we should send and store only the enabled integration.

Kibana/Elasticsearch Stack version: 8.12-SNAPSHOT

Functional Area (e.g. Endpoint management, timelines, resolver, etc.): Cloud Security Posture Management

Steps to reproduce:

Current behavior: All the values filled in any integration are sent and stored, regardless of if the integration is enabled or not.

Expected behavior: Send and store data regarding only enabled integrations, therefore leaving out any disabled integration data.

Screenshots (if relevant): image

elasticmachine commented 7 months ago

Pinging @elastic/security-solution (Team: SecuritySolution)

elasticmachine commented 7 months ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-cloud-security-posture (Team:Cloud Security)

maxcold commented 7 months ago

We have a clean up task implemented as a fleet onSave hook. The task cleans up the variables that are not required for a given credentials.type. But this happens only within the scope of one input, the one that has enabled: true. As we reuse the vars between different inputs, eg. secret_access_key between cspm_cloudbeat/cis_aws and kspm_cloudbeat/cis_eks we also need to clean up the inputs which are not enabled