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[Lens] Breakdown by _tsid by default if dataView is TSDB based #172376

Open dej611 opened 7 months ago

dej611 commented 7 months ago

Describe the feature:

As TSDB metric are partitioned by time series id (_tsid) at storage level, it would make sense to auto-matically add a breakdown dimension based on _tsid field when the user drop a field in the workspace within a TSDB dataView.

If the user configures manually the chart, the suggestion system should also propose the "breakdown by _tsid" (as breakdown by Time series) leveraging the dataView metadata.

Describe a specific use case for the feature: This is something that some visualization tools are already doing when visualizing data from TSDB storages, so it is very common for users coming from such areas. Also it correctly reflects what TSDB is actually doing at aggregation level by running aggregations at _tsid level first, then re-aggregating on result merge.

elasticmachine commented 7 months ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-visualizations (Team:Visualizations)

drewdaemon commented 7 months ago

Great idea. I think this fits under suggestions v2. Adding it there.