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[Cloud Security][Benchmark Improvements] Optimize Benchmark API V2 Query #173340

Open animehart opened 6 months ago

animehart commented 6 months ago

Describe the feature: Currently the way we get Score and Evaluation on Benchmark is by iterating over every benchmark and get their stats and clusters. While this works for now, in the future we might have more and more benchmark as such this method will become more and more time consuming O(N). We should instead change it only use 2 Queries (time complexity O(1)) this will future proof the code x-pack/plugins/cloud_security_posture/server/routes/benchmarks/v2.ts

elasticmachine commented 6 months ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-cloud-security-posture (Team:Cloud Security)

maxcold commented 6 months ago

@JordanSh @animehart do we have some numbers on when it might become a problem? How do we reason on the prio of this task?

maxcold commented 6 months ago

removing 8.13 candidate for now, feel free to update the ticket if you think it's a must for 8.13 @JordanSh @animehart