if you create Elasticsearch query rule with the KQL option, you set a doc count above 10,000 and If there is more than 10,000 documents when you test the query. Then, It will never trigger an alert. However if you changed the threshold to 9,999, then it will trigger an alert.
I think the problem is that search in KQL is not setting the tracking total hits to true. Therefore, we never met the threshold.
if you create Elasticsearch query rule with the KQL option, you set a doc count above 10,000 and If there is more than 10,000 documents when you test the query. Then, It will never trigger an alert. However if you changed the threshold to 9,999, then it will trigger an alert.
I think the problem is that search in KQL is not setting the tracking total hits to true. Therefore, we never met the threshold.
Please check SDH