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[Discover] Evaluate disabling syncing appState to URL #177910

Open kertal opened 4 months ago

kertal commented 4 months ago

Discover's state is getting more an more complex, syncing the appState to URL can be a huge headache when developing new features, and it's a cause for redundant re-renderings, so it can also impact performance. Furthermore, in edge case scenarios it's possible to run into "The URL for this object is too long, and we can't display it" errors. https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/177528

We should therefore evaluate to disable syncing appState changes to URL, aligning the behavior to Dashboard/Lens. Dashboards just takes the URL for initial syncing but every subsequent change isn't synced back, and the AppState part of the URL is removed on initial sync:

To consider:

So the upside of this change is

The downsides

Since our Share functionality covers the generation of links, it's no regression, however, currently it takes 2 clicks to get to the link. Having a 1 click functionality would prevent this "More clicks" UX regression, one way to do this would e.g. providing a button in the breadcrumb, something @ryankeairns recently suggested:


Or a dedicated icon for this added to our top nav links?

bildschirmfoto_2024-03-08_um_18 36 20

Here's some code how Dashboards is handling it:



elasticmachine commented 4 months ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-data-discovery (Team:DataDiscovery)