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[Cloud Security] POC sharing Cloud Security APIs #179143

Open JordanSh opened 3 months ago

JordanSh commented 3 months ago


as a part of https://github.com/elastic/security-team/issues/9015 and https://github.com/elastic/security-team/issues/9137 we need to show components related to CSP in the context of security_solution plugin. Specifically, we have:

Specific data that we are concerned for these epics:

In this issue API means any programmatic interface that can be shared: REST APIs over HTTP, services encapsulating data fetching, set of hooks or other components shared across plugins, etc.

The strategic questions we want to answer in this ticket:

  1. how do we expose our data fetching APIs so that we reuse them across security_solution and cloud_security_posture plugins? The ideal state is that we reduce the number of places to update to a minimum. Situation to avoid: disconnected code path across multiple plugins doing things differently
  2. how to avoid problems with cyclic dependencies so that we could freely use those APIs in any plugin, or at minimum in both security_solution and cloud_security_posture plugins. See related PR where this challenge surfaced and explored for PLI component

More specific questions to answer:

  1. How do we encapsulate our REST APIs to be used in different plugins? Can we create a service (maybe as a separate package) to be used in both security_soltuion and cloud_security_posture plugin
  2. Does it make sense to reuse the Data Grid from our Findings page in the flows of Security Solution? Is it feasible as on the Findings page we use the data grid with grouping which has many more features than we plan for the data grid on the flyouts?
  3. If we don't want to reuse the e2e data grid component, what parts we can share between data grids, eg. Data View data fetching logic

Definition of Done:

elasticmachine commented 3 months ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-cloud-security-posture (Team:Cloud Security)

maxcold commented 1 month ago

@JordanSh Can you elaborate more on the need for exposing our APIs? I was thinking if we could use the existing Security Data View to query this date, but not sure how the flyout works exactly and if that's feasible

JordanSh commented 3 weeks ago

@JordanSh Can you elaborate more on the need for exposing our APIs? I was thinking if we could use the existing Security Data View to query this date, but not sure how the flyout works exactly and if that's feasible

The idea was to use our latest findings APIs instead of manually querying the data view. Since the Alerts detail flyout suppose to display the latest findings table, filtered by the shown entity, my assumption was that we would have the exact same fetching for both the alerts findings table, and our findings table.

Meaning we could reuse our own APIs which are already tested and integrate with our table component (which we would like to explore the option of sharing it as well). This will save us the trouble of maintaining and testing duplicate code.

The main problem I anticipate is cyclic dependencies, though there are ways around it. I thought that making a POC and understanding the pros and cons for this approach is needed

JordanSh commented 4 days ago

ticket refactor looks great @maxcold. R Regarding cyclic dependencies, of course I trust you to do your own research, but if you want you can also take a look at this PR which i ended up closing because i managed to avoid a solution which revolved around cyclic deps, but it might be valuable for your research