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Telemetry missing when Logstash is monitored exclusively by Metricbeat #179494

Closed yaauie closed 1 week ago

yaauie commented 1 month ago

Kibana version: Any 7.17-8.x (including 7.17.19 and 8.13.0)

Elasticsearch version: Any 7.17-8.x (including 7.17.19 and 8.13.0)

Server OS version: ANY

Browser version: ANY

Browser OS version: ANY

Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, from source, etc.): ANY

Describe the bug:

When a Logstash has monitoring data that has exclusively been sent via Metricbeat, Monitoring Telemetry fails to send telemetry data.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Set up Elasticsearch and Kibana with security and stack monitoring as usual, with telemetry enabled, making note of its cluster UUID
  2. Set up and run Logstash without monitoring itself
    • ${LOGSTASH_HOME}/config/logstash.yml should have:
      monitoring.enabled: false
      monitoring.cluster_uuid: "MONITORING_CLUSTER_UUID_HERE"
    • Execute a simple heartbeat pipeline and leave it running: ${LOGSTASH_HOME}/bin/logstash --config.string="input { heartbeat {} } output { stdout { codec => dots } }"
  3. Set up Metricbeat to observe only Logstash
    • Create a role beats_system_expanded that has additional permissions necessary to push logstash monitoring data:
    • cluster: monitor, cluster:admin/xpack/monitoring/bulk, manage_ilm, manage_index_templates (same as beats_system)
    • index .monitoring-beats-*: create_index, create (same as beats_system)
    • index .monitoring-logstash-*: create_index, create
    • Create a user beats_system_expanded with role beats_system_expanded and record its password
    • Configure metricbeat:
    • configure the output to send monitoring events to Elasticsearch using our beats_system_expanded user:
       # Array of hosts to connect to.
       hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
       # Performance preset - one of "balanced", "throughput", "scale",
       # "latency", or "custom".
       preset: balanced
       # Protocol - either `http` (default) or `https`.
       protocol: "https"
       # Authentication credentials - either API key or username/password.
       #api_key: "id:api_key"
       username: "beats_system_expanded"
       ssl.ca_trusted_fingerprint: "${ELASTIC_CA_FINGERPRINT}"
    • configure it to not monitor itself (but include the cluster UUID for good measure):
      # Set to true to enable the monitoring reporter.
      monitoring.enabled: false
      # Sets the UUID of the Elasticsearch cluster under which monitoring data for this
      # Metricbeat instance will appear in the Stack Monitoring UI. If output.elasticsearch
      # is enabled, the UUID is derived from the Elasticsearch cluster referenced by output.elasticsearch.
      monitoring.cluster_uuid: "MONITORING_CLUSTER_UUID_HERE"
    • disable the system module by renaming ${METRICBEAT_HOME}/modules.d/system.yml to ${METRICBEAT_HOME}/modules.d/system.yml.disabled
    • enable logstash monitoring by renaming ${METRICBEAT_HOME}/modules.d/logstash-xpack.yml.disabled to ${METRICBEAT_HOME}/modules.d/logstash-xpack.yml, ensuring that the module's config points to localhost:9600 (where Logstash's API is) and has xpack.enabled: true
      # Module: logstash
      # Docs: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/metricbeat/main/metricbeat-module-logstash.html
      - module: logstash
        xpack.enabled: true
        metricsets: ["node", "node_stats"]
        period: 10s
        hosts: [""]
        #username: "user"
        #password: "secret"
    • start metricbeat with console logging enabled: (cd "${METRICBEAT_HOME}"; ./metricbeat -e)
  4. In Kibana, observe the monitoring data for Logstash is making its way to the correct indices, ensuring at least one result for each of:
    POST /.monitoring-logstash*/_search
    { "query": { "term": {"metricset.name":"node"} } }
    POST /.monitoring-logstash*/_search
    { "query": { "term": {"metricset.name":"node_stats"} } }
  5. Leave it running for at least 24h to give the Telemetry collector a chance to run

Expected behavior:

The data pushed to telemetry for this cluster ID should have Logstash-related telemetry

Any additional context:

In #122345 Stack Monitoring was extended to allow monitoring from standalone metricbeat, but Telemetry Collection works by reaching into the same monitoring indices and made no matching changes.

I have attempted to remedy this by adding the fields to the filter_path directives (and normalizing the results to the old shape), but the existing use of collapse on a legacy-only field greatly expands the scope of the fix. I attempted to add a runtime field to collapse on, but discovered that is not supported (elastic/elasticsearch#66459).

elasticmachine commented 1 month ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-core (Team:Core)

afharo commented 2 weeks ago

It might be addressed by https://github.com/elastic/kibana/pull/182304