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[Security Solution] Update rule searching to search by `rule_source` (BLOCKED) #180126

Open jpdjere opened 3 months ago

jpdjere commented 3 months ago

Epics: https://github.com/elastic/security-team/issues/1974 (internal), https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/174168 Blocked by: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/184113 Needed for: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/182573


After the introduction of ruleSource as a rule field that determines if a rule is prebuilt or not, we want to start using that field on all areas of the Security application where we retrieve rules filtered by wether they are Elastic Prebuilt or not.

Since the creation of the ruleSource will occur through a Models Version migration mechanism, we can have reliability that the ruleSource is available (after the migration is complete). This means that no fallback reading to the immutable field will be needed.

We should therefore simply read the ruleSource.type field to assert if the rule is prebuilt or not.

The KQL query for retrieving prebuilt rules should be:

alert.attributes.params.ruleSource.type: 'external'

Concretely the areas of the application that need updating are:

Additionally, there's existing telemetry code in the x-pack/plugins/security_solution/server/usage folder that currently relies on the immutable prop and needs to be updated:

Backward compatibility

The immutable field is currently accessible through the find endpoint. Once we begin transitioning to rule_source, queries like /api/detection_engine/rules/_find?filter=alert.attributes.params.immutable:false will no longer work. We have to maintain support for the alert.attributes.params.immutable field as the input filter argument for the endpoint. This will involve adding server-side transformations when we receive alert.attributes.params.immutable or alert.attributes.params.ruleSource.type in arguments.

On the front-end, we will continue using the old alert.attributes.params.immutable field to minimize the exposure of our internal data model to the client application.



elasticmachine commented 3 months ago

Pinging @elastic/security-detections-response (Team:Detections and Resp)

elasticmachine commented 3 months ago

Pinging @elastic/security-solution (Team: SecuritySolution)

elasticmachine commented 3 months ago

Pinging @elastic/security-detection-rule-management (Team:Detection Rule Management)

banderror commented 2 months ago

Blocked by https://github.com/elastic/kibana/pull/183603 and our shift to migrating rules using the Model Version API instead of migration-on-write in our endpoints.