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[ES|QL] add higher-level tests for the editor #180502

Open drewdaemon opened 7 months ago

drewdaemon commented 7 months ago

One of our key priorities should be the stability of the features we're adding to the ES|QL editor. Right now, we have no in-browser coverage. We should change this.

It could look like a functional test in Discover, or it could be some sort of storybook or example plugin.

The test itself should be stable and should catch bugs like https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/180489

We could also look at how far we can push RTL with Monaco.

elasticmachine commented 7 months ago

Pinging @elastic/kibana-esql (Team:ESQL)

drewdaemon commented 5 months ago

+1 this kind of test suite could have prevented