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Add saved object tags to SLOs to enable consistent filtering #180727

Open rayafratkina opened 4 months ago

rayafratkina commented 4 months ago

Describe the feature: Saved object tagging has been available for a while and is proving to be useful as a way to filter objects created to make related objects easier to find.

In the course of working with Serverless observability, we found that it's really hard to find SLOs that our team has created without the tags. Can we please add tags to SLOs?

See https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/85741 for tagging rollout stragglers

elasticmachine commented 4 months ago

Pinging @elastic/unified-observability (Team:Observability)

elasticmachine commented 4 months ago

Pinging @elastic/appex-sharedux (Team:SharedUX)

rayafratkina commented 4 months ago

cc @smith

vadimkibana commented 4 months ago

@elastic/unified-observability are SLOs in Kibana saved objects? If yes, then the tagging should work for them, it would be only a UI work to expose it to the end users.

kdelemme commented 4 months ago

we found that it's really hard to find SLOs that our team has created without the tags.

Are you searching for the SLO in the saved object management page directly? Why?

afharo commented 4 months ago

@rayafratkina, don't SLOs have tags already?


Are you talking about anything else?

It's worth highlighting that they are internal tags (not the core-native tags).

kdelemme commented 4 months ago

I'd like to understand better the need for surfacing the tags on the SO directly.

They are currently internal because we should not attempt to find SLO through the saved objects directly. We have an API that abstract the internal storage model (SO) for anyone to use. If something is missing on the API, we could improve it instead of accessing directly the internal storage model. If you want to find this from backend, we might need to introduce a client from our slo plugin. But I might have some missing information as to why we wants to have the SLO SavedObjects searchable. Happy to chat :)

rayafratkina commented 2 months ago

The issue is consistency for the end users - as we use SLOs, we want to tag them along with other artifacts (saved searches, dashboards, etc) and today we have to create a second parallel set of tags. There are also small discrepancies in how the SO vs custom tags work, which makes it a bad user experience overall.

kdelemme commented 2 months ago

It would help me understand the need if you can give me an example of what we are trying to achieve by tagging the SLO saved objects.

Do we want to use the Kibana Tags in order to show the SLO saved objects under the Stack Management > Tags UI knowing that we cannot export/import/edit a SLO saved object?


Let's chat next week if you are available, so we can go through it. I'll send you an invite