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[TaskManager] Silent broken test #181847

Closed afharo closed 1 week ago

afharo commented 3 weeks ago

The test below does one assertion that depends on a promise.


It should be either

// Await expect().resolves
await expect(result).resolves.toEqual({ id: 'v4uuid', state: { foo: 'bar' } });
// or await the promise and expect the result to equal
expect(await result).toEqual({ id: 'v4uuid', state: { foo: 'bar' } }); 

Not awaiting an expect().resolves silently succeeds without performing the assertion.

A good way to validate that the assertion is not being validated is adding expect.assertions(1); inside the test.

In https://github.com/elastic/kibana/pull/181456, I caught the missing await, but the test now fails. I can't find a way to fix it, so I skipped it in that PR and will let the gurus do their magic 😇