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[Profiling] Differential views based on same data show different values #181886

Closed rockdaboot closed 1 week ago

rockdaboot commented 1 week ago

Kibana version: 8.14-SNAPSHOT

Elasticsearch version: 8.14-SNAPSHOT

Describe the bug: The summary fields in the differential views for TopN Functions and Flamegraph should show the same values when calculated from the same data. But they don't.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In the Universal Profiling landing page, select a time range with data in the past (don't use last X minutes/hours/days)
  2. Select the Functions view
  3. Click on the "Differential TopN functions"
  4. In a second browser tab, repeat step 1
  5. In the second browser tab: Select on the Flamegraph view
  6. In the second browser tab: Click on the "Differential Flamegraph"
  7. Compare the values under "Annualized CO2 emission impact", "Annualized cost impact" and "Total number of samples" - they should be identical, but aren't.

Expected behavior: The summary fields in the differential views should show exactly the same data when based on the same data.

Screenshots (if relevant): Screenshot_20240426_175652 Screenshot_20240426_175617

elasticmachine commented 1 week ago

Pinging @elastic/obs-ux-infra_services-team (Team:obs-ux-infra_services)

rockdaboot commented 1 week ago

Just seeing that there is also a little "glitch" in the first screenshot where 0 changes lead to a green arrow up and < 0.01%. It should just be zero without arrow, as seen in the second screenshot.

rockdaboot commented 1 week ago

~I verified the shown values are delivered by the ES profiling API.~ My mistake, used the data from Kibana server. cc: @danielmitterdorfer

rockdaboot commented 1 week ago

@cauemarcondes The following needs to be changed:

diff. topN functions - "Total number of samples"

diff. topN functions - "Annualized CO2 / costs"