elastic / kibana

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[ES3] Add ingest pipeline section to Index management view #182604

Closed saikatsarkar056 closed 3 days ago

saikatsarkar056 commented 2 weeks ago

In this PR, we've incorporated ingest pipeline selection into the "Ingest Data" section for the serverless solution. When a user chooses an ingest pipeline, the corresponding code snippet will adjust accordingly.

Testing steps



saikatsarkar056 commented 1 week ago

@TattdCodeMonkey, @saarikabhasi, @sabarasaba Thank you for the feedbacks. Can I get another round of review?

saikatsarkar056 commented 5 days ago

@saarikabhasi, @TattdCodeMonkey Can I get another round of reviews for this PR? I addressed all the feedbacks. Thank you for help. 🙏

saikatsarkar056 commented 3 days ago

@elasticmachine merge upstream

kibana-ci commented 3 days ago

:green_heart: Build Succeeded

Metrics [docs]

Module Count

Fewer modules leads to a faster build time

id before after diff
enterpriseSearch 2278 2280 +2
indexManagement 660 662 +2
serverlessSearch 319 322 +3
total +7

Public APIs missing comments

Total count of every public API that lacks a comment. Target amount is 0. Run node scripts/build_api_docs --plugin [yourplugin] --stats comments for more detailed information.

id before after diff
@kbn/search-api-panels 74 76 +2

Async chunks

Total size of all lazy-loaded chunks that will be downloaded as the user navigates the app

id before after diff
enterpriseSearch 2.7MB 2.7MB +47.0B
indexManagement 662.9KB 662.9KB +45.0B
serverlessSearch 471.5KB 476.1KB +4.6KB
total +4.6KB
Unknown metric groups #### API count | id | [before](https://github.com/elastic/kibana/commit/e6a91bcceca8a1c44bbcf499bc87c6e894f55d12) | [after](https://github.com/elastic/kibana/commit/2e7f98a54785e77b43eb1094242f507afd7b94ce) | diff | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `@kbn/search-api-panels` | 74 | 76 | +2 |


To update your PR or re-run it, just comment with: @elasticmachine merge upstream

cc @saikatsarkar056